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When I got back downstairs only Andy and Angelo were still there.

"Everyone else leave?"

"Yes. Asked us to tell you goodnight for them and if you need anything at all just to ask. We wanted to say goodnight in person. Alpha wanted me to say he's sorry he didn't make it over today. He'll stop as soon as he has time. He did say you needn't worry about anything more then settling in this week."

"I appreciate that. Alpha is welcome anytime. The kids will be going to school in the morning. I let them have a couple days to settle in but they need to go tomorrow. Where do we meet for their pick up?"

"We have a pack bus to take them all over together. They'll pick the two up at the end of the drive. I'll text to remind them to stop here." Andy says and stands. I get a wink. "Goodnight Devon. Angelo I'll wait next to the truck for you." Angelo stands slowly. When Andy was gone Angelo steps up. This wasn't his normal light affection. This was clasping me tight in his arms. I looked up and my eyes slam shut as he drops his mouth over mine and starts a very deep kiss. I give a moan and then whimper as I wrap my arms tight around him. Tongues that flowed together. Wow, what was this about? He holds tighter, lifts up, and I'm carried backward. Giving an oof as my back hits the wall. His hands are all over me the most noticeable was the hand pulling at my pants. He gets them open, I gasp and arch into his hand as he pulls at my cock.

"Angelo. Please. I want you." He groans. He pulls up and I hear a growl in his throat.

"Our first time is going to be more then this." That actually makes me whine.

"I have never seen anyone turn me down, let alone so much." He sets me on my feet kisses me deeply then slides down my body. My cock is pulled from my pants and he smiles up at me before taking my cock in his mouth.

"Angelo." I give a pitiful moan. Then a stronger one as my pants are tugged down and a finger finds my entrance and rubs. "Yes." I gasp out and gasp again as he thrusts a finger deep inside of me. "Angel." I moan out. Between his sucks, his tongue, and that finger I was flying up the peak. The minute I hit it I was exploding into his mouth and my slick ran down my legs. He licked me clean pulled up my pants and give me a kiss tasting of cum.

"Angelo, please. Come upstairs."

"Not yet. I hope that made up for not being able to say no and getting you stirred up. I gotta go before I can't say no anymore. Friday night, will you go out to dinner with me?" I grinned wide.

"Yes. Absolutely." I get another kiss and he winks as he hurries to the door.

"Don't forget to lock this door." He tells me, giving me a glance before he closes the door. I take a deep breath and go lock the door. He gives a wave before he pops it in reverse and heads out of the drive.

"Well... I'm touched that he is so generous but I'd really like him to share my bed soon." After getting my nightly glass of wine I went up for a hot bath and then bed.

Once the kids got on the bus for school I started in cleaning then decided to walk the yard make sure there was nothing in it that would hurt the kids. I took some gloves and a bucket in case I found anything I needed to collect. I was still in the front yard digging out sharp pieces of broken pottery when a truck rolls into the drive. I could see Alpha behind the wheel. Jake Andrews was a good looking man I could admit. I got a big smile as he climbed out. He's chuckling.

"Decide to join the cows in grazing?" He asks making me laugh.

"They seem to enjoy it, thought I'd see what the appeal is. Tastes like salad and it's really hard to get out of my teeth." He laughs and looks into my bucket to see the pile of pottery shards. While he looked I stood from where I was kneeling.

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