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I wake once again dressed in clothes that weren't mine. I'm toasty warm next to someone but it's not Jake's hot body. My son is once again in bed with me facing me but as I move I realize that someone is behind me. Looking over I see Grace behind me. Looking around I try to find Jake. He's in his chair, the recliner laid back, a very small throw over him. With practiced care I slide from between my kids. It worried me that I hadn't heard them once again. Going over to Jake I give his lips a gentle kiss. Tongue flips over his lips and he opens his eyes.

"Good morning." I say and kneel next to his chair. He sits it up as he clears his throat.

"Morning. How did you sleep?"

"Like a rock. The kids?" I ask turning to look at my sleeping angels.

"They came in, thankfully after the knot was down and I had us back in clothes. They heard the howls. It scared them. Apparently they tried to go back to sleep cuddled together but it didn't work so they finally gave up and sniffed at doors till they found your scent. Michael was instantly in the bed. Grace gave me a rather dark look before climbing into bed behind you. As she laid down she sniffed and told me that there wasn't enough room for me." I blushed brightly and put a hand over my face in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry. That's a recent thing. She's old enough to really understand and is very upset about anyone having sex with me. She attacked Andy when she caught us after we'd been together that first night he was at my old house. In a way I think it's sweet but she hasn't learned that while she is brave and a Beta, she is not in anyway able to back up those looks in a fight."

"Well, yes, she needs to be careful not everyone will over look her because she's a kid. Personally I think it's hilarious and am thinking when she gets older we should see about enforcer training. I never put the females in warrior training where there is the potential for maiming and death." I slide my hand into his.

"Would you do that, even if she becomes your daughter?"

"I'd definitely give her the option, though I might try to find her a position she wouldn't get black and blue in. It's all up to her really." Was he so easy with all the pack? He did seem to take interest. A bit curious of him prompted me to ask a question.

"Jake, since we met at my old pack house you were... abrupt. Acting pretty lecherous too." He chuckles. "Which is the real you, the confident playboy or... the guy who was passionate and so wonderful last night?" I saw him sober. Pulling me up he sits me across his lap and leans back holding me.

"Both I suppose. When I was a teenager I was that playboy in every way. Almost stereotypical. Dated everyone, slept with everyone. Kept it up until I was showing off and being an idiot one day out on patrol. I never heard the rogues before we were attacked. I was on patrol with a good friend of mine. Ryan was a very down to earth guy. He'd been dating a pretty little female from another pack. When I finally killed the rogue I was fighting with I turned to catch the other jumping at me. When it was finally over I went to Ryan but he was already dead. My dad gave me some rather hard punishment. I think I got off easy really. I deserved a lot worse. Part of my punishment was to go tell Iris he was dead." He gave a wince at the memory. "Still makes my stomach knot when I think about her face. As far as I know she's never forgiven me. After that I went off a little. Instead of the playboy I became a harsh guy who turned down all fun and dates. It was years before I found out how to have a balance but I still am pretty strict with the pack. I try to have fun with them. Especially the kids. I'll admit it's hard because all I think of is the kids that Ryan never got to have. That playboy persona is still default outside the pack." My hand was lifted and he gave it a light kiss.

"I'll tell you the truth, I was extremely impressed with you the moment I saw you. But I was in default and I knew I'd bungled it by the look on your face. When I came to your house I held back, until I couldn't hold my wolf any longer. I'm sorry. He's a bit rough and abrupt. When I walked in yesterday and saw you my wolf was out and wanting you. Only when I was meeting him passion for passion with you did I get control." So that was how he changed abruptly like that. "I can't promise I won't slip back into that, into bad habits again. I hope you know that whatever I show out there, outside the pack, is not who I really I am. Who I am here with you like this, this is who I really am."

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