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When I wake, I do my normal routine as far as washing up and dressing. But when I go to check on my kids their beds are empty. They never got up early. Hurrying downstairs I am shocked to see Angelo in the kitchen making breakfast. Both of my kids are dressed and eating pancakes. It's Michael who sees me.

"Papa, Angelo made some pancakes. He put bananas in them." Angelo looks over at me and smiles.

"Good morning. How did you sleep?"

"Good. You are here early."

"Yes I am. I know that Saturday morning is cleaning day so I came early to help clean so that we can get to the zoo. Grace was up watching cartoons when I knocked. We got Michael up and everyone had showers, dressed, then while I started the pancakes they started by picking up the living room." Wow. He was on the ball. I worried he was doing this just to earn points with me. It was impressive but it was also setting a precedent that I was worried he'd be able to live up to.

"You are going to spoil me." I tell him. When I get next to him he leans down and gives me a quick kiss.

"I don't do anything more then I want too. I know that you like to keep your schedule with them and I think that's a good thing so I'd like to help. Just because we make plans to do something doesn't mean we can't keep the set schedule things. Here's a plate, eat up we got cleaning to do." He says teasing me as he hands me a plate.

We are just finishing up sweeping the house, when I my cell rings.


"Hi Devon, this is the Doc. I was wondering if you were still going to be able to come by today?"

"Oh, sure. We're going to head to the Zoo soon. I'll stop by the pack house when we leave."

"Alright. Just come on down when you get here." After hanging up I head to find Angelo. He was helping the kids get light jackets and make sure they had their ID's since we were going to be in public with other people and it was possible for us to get separated.

"Alright, ID, jackets, shoes tied. I think we are good to go."

"You guys ready?" I ask. They nod. "Good." I look at Angelo. "I'd forgotten that the Doc wanted us to come in for quick check ups. I told him we'd swing by before the zoo. Is that okay?"

"Sure, that's no problem. Let's get going."

At the pack house I had the kids go first. They weren't used to doctors so they were both nervous but did just fine. When they were done they went up to steal bacon from the pack who were eating a late morning lunch. I sat through a full physical then laid down so he could do his check on my stomach. I'm chatting about the kids history as babies when I notice him, low on my stomach, pressing and raising an eyebrow.

"Everything okay?"

"Yes, just a little something I want to check. Can you tuck your pants down and pull up your shirt?" I did as he asked unsure why he was asking to do that. Then I see him roll over an ultrasound machine. He gets it going then squirts the cold gel on my stomach. He slips the wand over my stomach.

"Um, Doc, this is what they usually do to check on pregnancies."

"Well, I'm going to check to see if you are pregnant."

"You think I might be?"

"Yes. Your stomach is hard, you said you've been sleeping longer, eating more, mentioned you had a little dizziness the other day while working. I think it might be possible you are." I stare at the ceiling. Oh damn. Pregnant? But... who was the father. In the last couple weeks, I'd been with Jake, Angelo, and Andy. How would my two courtiers feel about me being pregnant. How would one feel knowing I was pregnant by the other? What if it was Andy? I had no relationship with him. How would Jake and Angelo feel about Andy being the father of my child? Sudden fear and worry takes a deep root in my body.

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