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"So you remembered your name?" Alby ask's me.

"Yes. It's Newt." I reply.

"Well then, Newt. If you follow me." Alby looks over at Marcus who is fiddling with a length of rope. "I would like you to show Newt the Slicers then the Med-jack's, when we finish up."

"Okay. Do you still want me to take him to see Minho when he gets back from the Maze?" ask's Marcus, still fiddling with his rope.

"Yeah. Come on." Alby beckon's me after him.

We silently leave the Homestead and head towards the North door. When we arrive Alby hands me a file and hammer.

"Every Galer who has ever come in here has marked their name. and now it's your turn."

"And the one with the line through them?" I ask.

"there the one who didn't make it." Alby solemnly turns. "Carve your name then return to Marcus."


After a few minutes, I have finished carving my name, I head towards the gardens, where I see Marcus.

"Newt?" Marcus walks over to me.

"Hey, Marcus. You ready?' I then notice the form that the rope in his hand has taken.

The word tickles my mind. Just out of reach. I know that it starts with and N. then I remember.

"A noose?" I look into Marcus's eyes, only to see them haze with tears.

"I'm sorry, Greenbean."

Then Marcus faints and I am running, holding him, towards the Homestead, calling for the Med-jacks.

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