Chapter 17- Bromance

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Adhya pov.

After a challenging two weeks dealing with legal issues at the police station, Adishh and I managed to resolve everything without our parents finding out. We were worried they'd never let us go to a party again if they knew. Once everything was settled, we decided to make a fresh start by planning a trip to our hometown together, the first time we'd be doing this. It felt like a great way to move past our recent troubles and enjoy some positive moments together, revisiting the places where our earliest memories were made.

While I was busy preparing some food for us, something comforting like chapati and chicken curry, Adi was immersed in his studies, his laptop open on the other side of the kitchen counter. Knowing his dedication to a healthy diet-a habit I'm less strict about-I handed him a glass of fresh carrot juice. Adi's commitment isn't just to his health but extends deeply into his work, especially evident in his tireless efforts on Kiran's case. He's been fighting relentlessly to save Kiran, enduring countless sleepless nights and navigating through the maze of legal challenges. Watching him, I can't help but admire his determination and strength. Silently, I offer my prayers, hoping that all his efforts lead us down the right path, bringing justice for Kiran.

"Thanks, babe. It's really refreshing," he replied, gulping down the juice.

"Of course, it's my homemade speciality," I boasted.

"I'm not even going to ask what the secret ingredient is," he teased, giving me a mischievous smile.

"I won't tell you anyway," I retorted, sticking my tongue out at him.

"What have you prepared for dinner?"

"Chapati and curry. Do you have anything specific in mind?"

"No, whatever you have prepared is fine."

"Are you sure? You can add some extra spice," I teased.

"Oh no, not this conversation again.

"Yes, you can," I persisted, but he just laughed off my protests.

Suddenly, the calm of our kitchen was interrupted by the ringing of Adish's phone. The screen lit up with the name "Jeevan" - Adishh's childhood friend who now works as a software developer in the USA. Like clockwork, every Friday, Jeevan makes it a point to call Adishh, never missing a single week. This ritual. It has been going on since 2 years he is been to usa. Adishh pick the call and put into a loudspeaker.

Jeevan teased him in a playful, puppy-like voice, "Oh meri pyari sona. Mera babu ne taana thaya."

Adish's gaze was fixed on me as Jeevan continued, "Oh sona, you must be tired, I missed you so much." Despite the situation being somewhat amusing and even boys engaging in such playful banter, I tried hard to control my laughter.

"Fuck, Jeevan," Adish said, his voice laced with embarrassment, likely due to my presence.

"Yes, you can, I'm ready," Jeevan replied, unabashedly continuing the tease.

"Jeevan, stop this; you're on loudspeaker, and Adhya is listening to our conversation," Adish interjected, trying to bring Jeevan's antics to a halt.

"Hi Adhya, how are you, my beautiful sister-in-law?" Jeevan said, his voice adopting a more serious tone now.

"I'm fine, thank you, Jeevan. But I have a serious question," I replied.

"What is it?" they both asked in unison, their curiosity piqued.

"Are you both cheating on me? Like, are you dating each other secretly?" I questioned, laying bare my concern.

"Ishh, he is completely not my type. I don't know how you are dating him," I added, expressing my disapproval.

I could see the fume in Adishh's eyes. "Even you are not a good partner. Such an irritating guy, spending my whole life with you would be trauma for me."

"Fuck you, I'm not that bad," Jeevan retorted, offended by his words.

"Then you said I'm not your type. Remember, I'm the one who kept our friendship on the right path," Adishh replied in the same tone. They seemed to forget my presence, engaging in a heated argument like a couple.

"Shut up, Adishh. I'm the one who makes a call every week," Jeevan defended.

"Bro, we are making calls once a week because of you," Adishh countered. This verbal tug of war continued for the next few minutes, and I was done by then, feeling overwhelmed by their argument.

"Guys, are you serious that you're not in love?" I questioned with a confused voice.

"SIL, it's called bromance," Jeevan justified.

Adishh chimed in, "How's your love life, Jeevan?"

"Asshole, I broke up with her last month. Never dare to remember her," Jeevan replied, his tone reflecting a mix of frustration and detachment.

"Sorry, I'm sorry, Jeevan. What happened? Why did you guys break up?" Adishh asked, now with a serious tone, his voice dripping with genuine concern.

"I found that she's cheating on me. I didn't say anything, but I had a hunch. And it turns out, my hunch was right," Jeevan explained.

"Oh no, I'm so sorry, bro." Has they had causal talk for next ten minutes.

"Ok, guys I have to go, it's time to go. Please take care of yourself. Bye, Adi and Adhya. See you soon, maybe."

"Okay, bye Jeevan," We both said, bidding farewell to our dear friend and cut a call.

"Wow, that was so entertaining," I remarked, letting out a soft giggle.

"That bastard has become so emotional after breaking up with his girlfriend. Even his face is becoming more puffy. And his voice is like a puppy, it's like a small kid," he explained, but I was confused about his sudden shift in emotions.

I move towards kitchen counter and placed his empty glass, "He seems a nice guy."

"Nice guy? He is an asshole."

"What did he do? Is he not a good friend?"

"Adhya, don't judge a book by its cover." By saying he hugs me from back.

"Can I stay here tonight?" He asked and his hands roaming on my waist.

"Sure, you can. Know lets have dinner."

After the dinner was over, we took a quick shower together, and then I put on a T-shirt and shorts.


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