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Erin had finally been discharged from Med. She was glad she was going back home with Jay, and not Bunny.

"You feeling okay. Babe?" Jay asked.

Erin sniffled, and got into the truck.

"Yeah. Just tired..." Erin whispered.

Jay kissed his girl's head, and closed the door.

"We'll be home soon. Baby. You can rest your eyes..." Jay reassured.

Erin placed Jay's neck pillow on her neck, and started to fall asleep.

As Jay turned the engine on. He drove out of Med, and onto the road home.

Erin opened her eyes, after Jay nudged her shoulder, telling her their home.

"Do you want me to carry you in?" Jay wondered.

Erin held her arms out, accepting the offer.

"Alright. Sleeping beauty." Jay smirked.

Jay picked Erin up gently, and let her head fall against his chest.

As Jay walked towards the apartment, he noticed Erin sucking her thumb, while holding onto Jay's shirt.

Jay smiled to himself, and kissed Erin's head.

After a few minutes. Erin and Jay arrived at the apartment.

Jay gently placed Erin in the sofa bed, and tucked her in.

"Do you want anything to eat?" Jay whispered.

Erin opened her eyes, and shook her head.

"Okay. That's okay." Jay smiled.

Jay got on the couch, and stroked Erin's hair.

It's okay, babe. I'm right here. No one's gonna hurt you." Jay comforted.

Erin opened her big eyes slowly, and sat on Jay's lap, while kissing his neck.

"Woah. Erin, you sure your ready for all this?" Jay questioned.

Erin broke away, and gave an answer.

"Yeah. I'm not letting two goons stop me from having sex with my boyfriend." Erin explained.

Jay wasn't sure if Erin was just trying deny the fact that she wasn't ready, or if she just wanted to please him.

"Erin. If this is about wondering whether you gonna please me or not. Get that out of your head. I don't need you to have sex with me, just to please me. I'm pleased as long as I'm with you. Don't ever think, that I only want you for sex. Cause, that's not true at all. I love you for your beautifulness, your hotness, your curves, and your edges. I love you for who you are..." Jay explained.

Erin took Jay's words in, she knew Jay wasn't using her for sex, she just didn't know if she would still have a partner, and a boyfriend.

"I-I know. I was just wondering if I'd still have someone to come back to..." Erin sniffled.

Jay knew what his girl was talking about, and it broke his heart to think that she had no one to come back to.

"That's not true, baby, none of what your thinking is true. I'd be with you if you were out of the city for a year! Our love will never change. I can promise;" Jay promised.

Erin nodded, and sniffled, and lied against Jay's chest.

"Did you take your medication yet?" Jay wondered.

Erin accepted the handed tissues, and shook her head to Jay's question.

"What ones are they again? I got three different boxes. One for Paracetamol. One for stomach cramps. And the last one for. Headaches..." Jay was really confused.

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