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Erin and Jay were at the bullpen, after solving a child's case in New York. Which wasn't the best case to solve.

"Hey. How you holding up?" Erin asked.

Jay shrugged, and looked at his computer.

"Not sure? I mean. How could someone murder a kid?" Jay asked.

Erin sat on the corner of the desk, and rubbed Jay's back.

"I don't know, babe, some people, can be so cruel..." Erin whispered.

Jay nodded, and scratched his arms.

"Hey! Hey! You know the rule, baby. No scratching arms." Erin reminded.

Jay sighed, and put his arm on his desk.

"Here's your fidget tool, babe." Erin smiled.

Jay pulled apart the Lego characters, and put them back together.

"Is he okay?" Kim asked.

Erin nodded, and sat down.

"Yeah. Whenever we have a kid case, he has the tendency to scratch, so I give him some fidget tools, and he plays with them..." Erin explained.

"And. Boss doesn't mind?" Adam asked.

Erin shook her head, and replied.

"No. He's the one who came up with the idea..." Erin responded.

The unit nodded, and Hank walked out his office.

"We got another kid case. Four year old." Hank stated.

The unit all stood up, and rushed downstairs.

Erin and Jay were first on scene, and they rushed inside.

"Intelligence. What happened?" Erin asked.

Anna lifted the sheet up, revealing the boy.

"Damn..." Kevin whispered.

Jay crouched down, and sighed.

"He was just a baby..." Jay sniffled.

Anna sighed, and explained what happened.

"Single shot to the back of the head. Poor guy didn't know it was coming..." Anna explained.

Jay stood up, and whispered.

"I need some air..." Jay whispered.

Jay walked out, and Erin looked at Anna.

"We got a name?" Erin wondered.

Anna nodded, and gave the name.

"Kyle Rodgers." Anna stated.

Hank nodded, and looked at his unit.

"Okay. Let's go find the son of a bitch, and make him pay." Hank ordered.

The unit all nodded, and walked out of the house.

Erin and Jay were interviewing a witness, and Jay was getting pissed off.

"Look. I didn't hear anything!" Melinda spoke up.

"Really? It was 2AM. A gunshot was heard. You sure you didn't hear anything?" Jay crossed his arms.

Melinda sighed, and crossed her arms.

"Okay. I might of heard a scream...?" Melinda admitted.

"A scream? Let me tell you something. That scream was a four year old, getting shot to death, and you couldn't be bothered to move your ass, and see what it was?!" Jay snapped.

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