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It was soon Christmas day, and Erin was awake, but Jay was still asleep.

Erin looked over, and noticed Jay spread out like a starfish, snoring.

"Jay? Baby?" Erin whispered.

Jay groaned, and sat up.

"You okay? You look flushed." Erin pointed out.

Erin put her cool hand on Jay's forehead, and felt his temperature.

"I'm gonna throw up..." Jay gagged.

Jay covered his mouth, and ran towards the bathroom.

"Aww, Baby. Is your tummy upset? Did you eat something bad?" Erin questioned.

Jay shook his head, and continued throwing up.

"I-I'll be fine. I'll be fin-." Jay puked again.

Erin pulled out her phone, and dialled Kim.

"We're not going over there. Your too unwell." Erin whispered.

Erin heard Kim's cheery voice come through the phone.

"Hey. Kim!" Erin spoke.

Kim was stuffing the turkey, and spoke up.

"Hey! You still on for Christmas?" Kim wondered.

Erin felt Jay's head collapse onto her lap, so she gently dabbed his forehead with a washcloth.

"Yeah. About that. Jay woke up, and he had a temperature, I thought it was because of the way he was laying under all those covers. But, when he sat up, he threw up. I don't think he's well enough to go. Sorry, Kim." Erin apologised sadly.

Kim put the turkey in the oven, and turned it on.

"Aww. Poor guy. would it be easier if we all came over to yours?" Kim suggested.

Erin looked at Jay, who was playing around with Erin's freehand.

"Babe. What if the guys came over here...?" Erin spoke quietly.

Jay opened his eyes, and nodded.

"Alright. That's fine. Be warned when you get here. Jay will either be asleep in bed, or downstairs..." Erin warned.

Kim put the oven on, and replied.

"Got it! I'll let the guys know!" Kim reassured.

"Thanks. Kim! See you later!" Erin chirped.

Erin and Kim hung up, and Erin sat Jay up.

"Do you want to go to bed. Babe?" Erin asked softly.

Jay nodded, and stood up on shaky legs.

"Do you want to eat the turkey at dinner? Or some grilled cheese, with all the roast dinner trimmings?" Erin gave two choices.

Jay croaked out something, which Erin managed to get.

"Okay. Grilled cheese it is...." Erin smiled.

After a few hours. Erin was downstairs, as Jay had another puking episode. So, Erin was making the dinner all by herself.

"Adam! Did you have to boot the door open?!" Erin asked.

Adam apologised, and held the beers up.

"I got the beers!" Adam smiled.

Erin laughed, and hugged everyone.

"So, where's our boy?" Kevin asked.

"He's in bed. He puked after two hours." Erin shuddered.

The unit all groaned, and shuddered.

"Go sit. Take any seat!" Erin offered.

Kevin sat next to Vanessa. Hank sat next to Trudy. Adam sat next to Kim. Antonio next to Erin.

After a few minutes. Jay walked downstairs, with the duvet over his shoulders.

"Erin..." Jay called.

The unit all turned round, and smiled at Jay.

"Hey. What's up. Babe?" Erin whispered.

Jay leant his heavy head on Erin's shoulder, and whimpered.

"Can't sleep..." Jay sniffled.

Erin pouted, and rubbed Jay's neck.

"You wanna lie on the couch?" Erin asked.

Jay wiped his nose, and shook his head.

"Couch not comfy. Hurts my back..." Jay groaned.

Erin wiped Jay's tears away, and spoke softly.

"Hey. Hey. No need to cry, baby. You can lie on me, that way your back won't hurt..." Erin smiled.

Jay accepted the offer, and shuffled towards the couch.

"Hey. Man! Wanna play headbands?" Adam asked.

Jay shook his head, and lied his head on Erin's lap.

"I'm good. Just wanna sleep..." Jay drifted off.

The unit awed, and Erin went to get up.

"I'll do the dinner. Erin. You look after your Man." Kim suggested.

Erin thanked Kim, and put her feet on the table.

"Hey! I'm not allowed to put my feet on the table, but you are?" Adam pouted.

"Well, I got a sick man laying on me. Also, It's my house. My rules. You can put your feet where ever you want in yours." Erin argued back.

Adam crossed his arms, and put his feet on the table.

"Adam. I'm warning you, take your feet off my table. Or we'll do what we did when we were little. I'll put you in a trolley, and spin you round, and round." Erin threatened.

Adam stayed silent, and looked down.

As Kim brought the food over. Jay smelt it, and his stomach churned.

"Hey. Here's the bucket. Babe." Erin whispered.

Jay puked in the bucket, and coughed.

"Let's take this to the bathroom. Or Adam won't stop ranting on about how we put him off his food..." Erin suggested.

Antonio got up, and lifted Jay up in his arms.

"W-What are you doing...?" Jay asked.

"Carrying you to the bathroom. With Erin's bones, she's gonna struggle." Antonio Joked.

Erin swatted Antonio's back, and laughed.

Later on. The unit were all gone, as Jay couldn't stop throwing up, and they wanted Erin and Jay to have some space.

Erin was stroking Jay's hair, as they were already in bed.

"I'm sorry, this wasn't how our Christmas was meant to be..." Jay apologised.

Erin kissed Jay's warm head, and replied.

"Are you kidding? This was the best Christmas ever!" Erin smiled.

Jay smiled, and fell back to sleep.

"I love you. Baby." Erin whispered.

Erin snuggled down, and fell asleep.

Hi My Readers!!

Hope you like this part!!

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~Stay Safe 🙂

Love you all

Xoxo Xoxo


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