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It was the next day, after Jay getting attacked by Hailey, and he wasn't talking to anyone. He was dealing with it on his own, just like he did when his mom died.

Jay walked out of the house, and looked at pool, which was in front of his eyes.

After a few minutes. Jay walked towards the pool, and jumped in - fully clothed.

Jay sunk to the bottom, not bothering to go back up.

As Jay stood at a standstill, letting the water drag him, someone jumped in after him.

Jay felt someone's arms wrap around his waist, and pull him back to the surface.

"Jay!" Erin called.

It took a bit of time to register the person's words, and realised the person was Erin.

Jay coughed loudly, and gasped for breath.

"Oh, my god. Just breathe baby, just breathe..." Erin soothed.

Erin pulled Jay into her arms, letting Jay seek warmth from her.

"What were you thinking?!" Erin asked.

"I don't...know?" Jay replied.

Erin sighed, and held Jay closely.

After Awhile. Erin and Jay were walking into the bullpen.

"Morning!" Adam smiled.

Erin smiled, and Jay walked to his desk.

"He okay?" Antonio asked.

Erin watched as Jay sat down, and put his badge on his belt.

"Yeah. Rough morning..." Erin whispered.

Erin walked to her desk, and noticed Hailey missing from the bullpen.

"Upton not here?" Erin asked.

"No. Voight said she was taking a sick day?" Kim replied.

Jay looked at everyone, and read out the message.

"Umm. Hailey just texted. "Sorry for everything I've caused, I won't bother you again. Goodbye Jay." Jay read out/

The unit all stood up, and grabbed their things.

Erin and Jay arrived at Hailey's apartment, and pulled out their guns.

"We should wait for the team..." Erin suggested.

Jay walked to the door, and kicked it open.

"JAY!" Erin yelled.

Jay walked through the house, and heard choking.

"Hailey?" Jay called.

Jay got to the lounge, and saw Hailey, convulsing, foam coming out of her mouth.

"No! No!" Jay whispered.

Jay got to Hailey's side, and put her head on his knee.

"Stay with me! Hailey! Stay with me!" Jay ordered.

Hailey convulsed in Jay's arms, and choked.

"Jay?" Erin asked.

The unit all rushed in, and saw the scene.

"Oh. My. God!" Adam whispered.

Hank pulled out his radio, and spoke into it.

"This is 5021 Adam: Put a rush on an ambo to 742 West Adams. I got a off-duty cop. Possible OD. She's convulsing badly!" Hank radioed.

Jay held Hailey close, putting his hand on her chin.

"It's okay, It's okay. Stay with me. Hailey!" Jay begged.

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