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The unit were back at New York, as SVU had another child case, which they needed extra support on.

Erin and Jay were by the coffee machines, talking.

"Look. Amanda and Sonny are gonna find your sister, don't worry." Erin whispered.

Jay stirred his coffee, and nodded.

"Yeah. I know..." Jay whispered.

Nick and Munch were standing next to each other, hearing the whole conversation.

"Hey!" Erin smiled.

Nick and Munch smiled, and Erin started talking.

"We're gonna find Isabella. Jay's the strongest person I know, he'll never leave anyone behind..." Erin explained.

Nick and Munch nodded, and looked at each other.

After 10 Minutes. Amanda and Sonny had found Isabella, dealing drugs.

Amanda shun the torchlight in front of Isabella's eyes, making her squint.

"What? You want some drugs too?" Isabella smirked.

Amanda and Sonny held up their badges, and Amanda held Isabella's hand.

"Let's go." Amanda whispered.

The Three all walked towards the truck, and drove back to the precinct.

Erin and Jay were waiting upstairs for Isabella to arrive.

"Here's Isabella..." Sonny introduced.

Jay stood up, and walked over.

"Hey. Issy." Jay smiled.

Isabella looked at Jay, and slurred.

"What are you doing here? You left me. Remember?" Isabella snapped.

Jay sighed, and nodded.

"Let's take this into the meeting room..." Olivia suggested.

Jay and Isabella walked into the meeting room, and Olivia shut the door.

"So, we're here to help you. I-." Olivia got stopped.

"It's Isabella to you. Mama Bear. Only Jay calls me "Issy." Isabella made a point.

Olivia nodded, and let Jay do the talking.

"How have you been?" Jay wondered.

Isabella sat back, and crossed her arms.

"Surprise you care!" Isabella snapped.

"I do care! I'm your brother. Tell me. What's going on?" Jay asked.

Isabella looked at Jay, and over to the wall.

"Well. A lot has been going on. You were taken in by Voight. You promised, you'd come back for me. You didn't! I was four years old! You left me in the cold..." Isabella explained.

Jay sniffled, and wiped his tears.

"Isabella. Your upsetting your brother..." Olivia started.

Isabella never really liked Olivia. She got fed up of taking orders.

"No one was talking to you. Mama Bear!" Isabella remarked.

Jay put his hand on Isabella's, and looked at her.

"Issy. I know I abandoned you. I'm so sorry, I had no choice. Hank stopped me from going out. I had pneumonia, I was in hospital for over a month. If I could, I'd turn the clock back, and make up for all that lost time..." Jay explained.

Isabella scoffed, and looked away.

"Isabella, we need your help answering some questions...?" Olivia spoke up.

Isabella looked at Olivia, and smirked.

"What if I don't?" Isabella asked.

Olivia looked at Jay, and sighed.

"I'll have to hold you in lockup, and you'll be charged with intent to distribute drugs..." Olivia explained.

Isabella stood up, and looked at Jay.

"Looks like I'm going to lockup!" Isabella smiled.

Jay got up, and walked out with his sister.

"Wait! Isabella!" Jay called.

Olivia stopped Jay from going any further.

"Jay, you can't interview your sister..." Olivia shook her head.

Jay looked down, and walked to the breakroom.

"I got him." Erin whispered.

Olivia nodded, and took Isabella to the holding cells.

As Erin walked in the breakroom, she noticed Jay.

Jay was lying against the counter, hands in fists.

"Hey. You okay?" Erin asked.

Jay sniffled, and nodded.

"Yeah. I'll be fine..." Jay nodded.

Erin rubbed Jay's back, and leant on his shoulder.

"It's just. I could've took Isabella with me, but I chose not to..." Jay sighed.

Erin sat Jay down on the couch, and sat next to him.

"Babe. You had pneumonia, from being out on the streets for ages, it wasn't your fault. If Isabella can't see that, then that's her problem. Not yours..." Erin explained.

Jay drank his coffee, and put the cup on the glass table.

"Yeah. I know..." Jay nodded.

Erin and Jay got up, and walked out of the breakroom.

After a few hours. Everyone was staying in a hotel. And got up, when they had to leave for the airport.

Hi My Readers!!

Hope you like this part!!

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~Stay Safe 🙂

Xoxo Xoxo


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