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Erin and Jay were at SVU's precinct. After Voight called Benson saying if his two detectives could come over, and work the case.

"Hey. Voight called. I heard some details that your baby sister was one of the victims who was kidnapped when she was younger?" Olivia explained.

Jay nodded, and crossed his arms.

"Yeah. Son of a bitch drugged her, she had no memory of what happened to her." Jay explained.

Olivia squeezed Jay's shoulder, and spoke up.

"I'm sorry. Sweetie." Olivia whispered.

Erin looked at the evidence board, and spoke up.

"Where are we with this case so far?" Erin asked.

Amanda stood up, and looked at Erin.

"We've searched through all databases to try, and triangulate the location of whoever's doing this. There's a lot of viruses we have to go through..." Amanda explained.

Erin nodded, and sat at the empty desk.

"Lieu. I spoke to my buddy in Tech. He managed to triangulate the location..." Sonny explained.

Olivia looked at her detective, and asked a question.

"To where?" Olivia asked.

Erin. Jay, and Olivia were at the location, speaking to the manager.

"Woah. Go back. Who's he?" Jay asked.

"That's Jake. He's our janitor. He took a sick day." Stephanie explained.

Jay pulled his radio out, and spoke into it.

"5021 George. I need a BOLO out on a male, white, late 30s. Last seen wearing. A blue baseball cap, Grey sweatshirt. Black Jeans. He was last seen heading towards 18th Street, and Park." Jay radioed.

Erin. Jay, and Olivia all ran downstairs, and Jay got outside first.

As Jay looked around, he noticed Jake walking towards him.

"I GOT HIM!" Jay yelled.

Jay ran after Jake, but collided with a cyclist.

The cyclist fell off his bike, and Jay rolled over onto his back.

"JAY!" Erin yelled.

Erin ran up to Jay, and checked him over.

"Jay? Are you okay?" Erin asked.

Jay put his hands on his head, and nodded.

"Yeah. Go. Go!" Jay nodded.

Erin nodded, and Olivia grabbed Jake.

"Your not going anywhere..." Olivia whispered.

Erin looked at her foster mom, and was shocked at how fast she wrestled Jake to the ground.

After a minute. Jay started to get up, but felt blood in his ears.

Erin looked over, and noticed Jay standing up.

"Jay?" Erin called.

Jay put his fingers in his ears, and noticed blood on his fingers.

Jay felt dizzy, and he collapsed into Erin's arms.

"Woah! Woah! I got you..." Erin soothed.

Erin lied Jay on the ground, and sat next to him.

"This is Detective Olivia Benson. Roll me two buses to 18th Street, and Park. I got a CPD officer down, and a cyclist down. Head injuries" Olivia radioed.

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