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The unit were all on a boat. And Erin suffered from seasickness, which was not on her agenda for the ride.

Jay was sitting next to Erin, and that's when he noticed Erin's green complexion.

"Babe? You okay?" Jay asked.

Erin shook her head, and lied against Jay's shoulder.

"Does your tummy hurt? Is it your seasickness?" Jay wondered.

Erin nodded, and closed her eyes tightly, as the boat rocked.

"Wanna go inside?" Jay suggested.

Erin nodded again, and allowed Jay to pick her up.

"Erin's feeling seasick. We're gonna take a nap..." Jay responded.

The unit all nodded, and carried on drinking their beers.

Erin and Jay walked to the cabin, and closed the door.

"When you feel the boat rock, just squeeze my hand, and take slow deep breaths." Jay guided.

Erin squeezed her eyes shut, and squeezed Jay's hand tightly.

"It's okay, we'll be in Cornwall soon. Babe..." Jay reassured.

After Awhile. The unit were at Cornwall. And Erin was feeling a bit better.

Adam held Kim's hand. Kevin held Vanessa's hand, and Erin held Jay's hand, and Antonio held Hailey's hand.

"Here's our coach." Kim pointed out.

Everyone walked towards the coach, which transported them to their hotel.

Jay was sleeping on Erin's lap, as he suffered from travel sickness.

"What's wrong with Jay?" Antonio asked.

Erin took her earphones out, and answered.

"He suffers from travel sickness. I put my earphones in his ears to take his mind off the road. if that doesn't work, we normally look at cases;" Erin explained.

Antonio awed, and sat back with Hailey.

"Mmm..." Jay mumbled.

Erin smiled, and kissed Jay's head.

"Hey. Sleepy bones. We're nearly at the hotel. You wanna keep sleeping, or do you wanna look at some cases?" Erin asked.

Jay's instantly closed his eyes again, he couldn't be assed to look at cases.

"Okay, Sleeping it is..." Erin laughed softly.

Soon. The unit were in their hotel room. Sleeping off their journey.

Erin woke up, and smiled at her sleeping boyfriend.

As Erin got under the covers, she played with Jay's belt buckle.

Jay opened his eyes, and felt soft hands playing with his belt.

"Erin...?" Jay moaned.

Erin softly bit down on Jay's thigh, making him moan out in pleasure.

"Ugh... I fucking love you..." Jay groaned.

Erin giggled, and popped her head up.

"Do you wanna make a baby?" Erin spoke seductively.

Jay smirked, and pulled Erin onto his chest, unbuttoning her jeans.

"Mmm. Halstead!" Erin squealed.

The unit were outside Erin and Jay's door, listening in.

"Eww! Their having sex..." Adam grossed out.

The unit all laughed, and stepped away.

"Shush! It's cute!" Kim awed.

The unit all stepped away, and walked back to their rooms.

Erin and Jay had gone two times with each other, and were finally worn out.

"What if our baby dies again...?" Erin pouted.

Jay dried his hair, and walked out.

"You can't think like that. Babe..." Jay replied.

Erin fumbled with her fingers, and nodded.

"Yeah. I guess. I just want a chance to carry a baby to full term..." Erin begged.

Jay sat down, and rubbed Erin's back.

"Don't worry, baby. We're gonna be fine!" Jay reassured.

Erin smiled, and got her pyjamas on.

Erin and Jay got into their bed, and fell asleep.

"I love you. Baby..." Jay whispered.

Erin kissed Jay's head, and smiled.

"I love you too. Babe..." Erin smiled.

Erin and Jay fell asleep, and cuddled into each other's arms.

Hi My Readers!!

Hope you like this part!!

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~Stay Safe 🙂

Xoxo Xoxo


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