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Jay was at home alone, while Erin took Alicia to school, as it was Erin's day to drop Alicia off. 

As Jay made the coffee, he got a call from his army chief - Major Baxter.

Jay answered, because he's never allowed to ignore any calls from the Army, in case he needs to go back.

"Jason Halstead." Jay spoke into the phone.

"Jason, your friend. Mouse, he died during an attack on his squad. none of them made it. I'm very sorry." Baxter explained.

Jay felt his breath get trapped in his throat, as he took his Chief's words in.

"O-Okay? Thanks for the clarification..." Jay's voice cracked.

Jay and Baxter hung up, and Jay threw his coffee up across the room.

The glass made contact with the wall, and smashed to the floor.

Jay sobbed, and put his hands over his eyes, shaking.

After 5 Minutes. Jay was searching through all the cabinets, looking for some alcohol...

Jay found two bottles of Vodka, and started to drink them.

As Jay downed one bottle of Vodka, he took a breath.

Jay grabbed his car keys, and badge, then left the apartment.

After Awhile. Jay walked into the bullpen, and looked a drunk mess.

Adam noticed, and looked at Jay.

"Jay? You okay?" Adam asked.

Jay looked up, and nodded.

"Yep! I'm fine!" Jay slurred.

Antonio got up, and went to find Erin.

"Erin!" Antonio spoke up.

Erin looked at Antonio, and smiled.

"What's up?" Erin asked.

Antonio leant against the wall, and sighed.

"It's Jay, I don't think he's right..." Antonio started.

Erin shut her locker, and walked out.

"What do you mean not r-." Erin stopped.

Jay was standing up, and drinking Vodka.

"Oh. No!" Erin whispered.

Erin rushed over, and took the bottle away.

"Hey! What the fuck. Erin?!" Jay asked.

Erin handed the bottle to Antonio, and looked back at Jay.

"I'm taking you back home..." Erin suggested.

Jay shook his head, and stumbled over.

"Yep! Time to go home, baby..." Erin replied.

Jay sobbed, and Erin put his arm around her shoulder.

"He gonna be okay?" Kim wondered.

Erin looked at Kim, and nodded.

"Yeah. A little sleep, he'll be fine..." Erin reassured.

The unit nodded, and watched Erin and Jay leave the bullpen.

Erin and Jay soon got to the apartment, and that's when Jay told Erin what happened.

"Baby, I'm so sorry, why didn't you tell me?" Erin asked.

Jay sniffled, and closed his eyes.

"I don't know? I thought I could deal with it on my own, by drinking the pain out..." Jay admitted.

Erin pouted, and rubbed Jay's back.

"You never have to deal with it on your own anymore, babe. I'm here..." Erin comforted.

"Why? When my mom was battling cancer. I was the only one at home, I got her through it. I fed her, clothed her, bathed her. When Pat walked out on us. I had to take care of Austin, Will, and Sarah. I fed my new born sister, while my mom was sick in the next room. I-I never felt like a big brother, I felt like a fucking dad. My dad had pissed off, so I was the role model to all my siblings. My mom fought the cancer, and took my siblings off of me, so I could get a Job..." Jay explained everything.

Erin now knew why Jay was so worked up, when Maisie was taken by Michelle.

"So, that story, you told the guys. About you quitting your job, because you didn't like it there? That was a lie?" Erin asked.

"I'd like to think of it, as an undercover task..." Jay giggled.

Erin giggled, and hugged Jay.

"I'm happy you told me..." Erin smiled.

Jay intertwined hands with his girl's, and kissed her head.

Soon. Erin and Jay were asleep in bed.

Hi My Readers!!

Hope you like this part!!

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~Stay Safe 🙂

Xoxo Xoxo


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