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It had been several months since Alicia Halstead was born, and Erin and Jay recently found out that Alicia had Autism. As she wouldn't stop hitting, punching, or biting Erin and Jay, and now they knew the cause of it.

Erin and Jay were walking into the district, with Alicia holding Jay's hand.

"Hey!" Trudy smiled.

Erin and Jay smiled, and Alicia pulled at Jay's hand.

"No. You'll wait till we're upstairs..." Jay said sternly.

Alicia sighed, and continued pulling at Jay's hand.

"What's up with my little flower?" Trudy asked.

Erin looked at Trudy, and sighed.

"Jay has to do some paperwork, and Alicia was sleeping in her bed, and she didn't wanna get out of it, hence, why she's moody." Erin explained.

Trudy nodded, and Jay was trying to settle Alicia down.

"No. Give daddy his badge..." Jay instructed.

Alicia shook her head, and put the badge in her mouth.

"Naughty! Alicia!" Erin exclaimed.

Alicia broke into tears, and dropped Jay's badge.

"Platt? Have you got a new bad-." Jay started.

Trudy cut off Jay mid-sentence, and handed him a new badge.

"Here!" Trudy replied.

Jay trashed his old badge, and put his new one on his waistband.

"See you later. Trudy!" Jay smiled.

The Halstead's all walked towards the gate, and buzzed themselves in.

As Jay walked upstairs with Alicia. Alicia gripped onto the railings.

"Alicia. Come on!" Jay sighed.

Alicia screamed when Jay touched her waist, and kept a tight grip on the railings.

"Erin!" Jay called.

Erin walked up, and noticed the scene.

"She won't get off the railings..." Jay stressed.

Erin tried getting Alicia's arms off the railings, but Alicia bit her hand.

"Ouch!" Erin winced.

Jay managed to pull Alicia off, but Alicia kicked her legs back.

"Woah!" Jay exclaimed.

Jay fell back, and tumbled down the stairs.

"JAY!" Erin yelled.

The unit all rushed over, and Kim picked Alicia up.

Erin ran towards Jay, and pulled her radio out.

"5021 Lincoln: I need an ambo to the 21st District, we're behind the gate on the stairs. I got a detective down. Possible broken bones..." Erin radioed.

Erin gently held Jay's shaking hand, and looked at him.

"It's okay, what hurts?" Erin asked.

Jay was out of it to give a full answer, so he gave a small mumble.

"Back, and shoulder..." Jay groaned.

Gabby and Brett arrived, and crouched down.

"Okay. Let's get a backboard, and a neck brace. We have to support his head..." Gabby instructed.

Brett grabbed the backboard, and gently rolled Jay onto it.

"ARGH!" Jay screamed.

Gabby put an oxygen mask on Jay's face, and whispered.

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