~Twenty two~

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Erin and Jay were walking into the bullpen, and Alicia was in one of her moods.'

"No! Get off me!" Alicia ordered.

Jay sighed, and held Alicia in his arms.

"No! Mama help!" Alicia looked at Erin.

Erin sighed, and walked into the bullpen.

"Come on. Sweetheart!" Jay whispered.

Alicia ripped out of Jay's arms, and kicked him in the stomach.

"Ugh..." Jay groaned.

Alicia sobbed, and ran towards Kim.

"Hey, you okay?" Erin asked.

Jay nodded, and rubbed his stomach.

"Y-Yeah. Just winded me, I'll be good..." Jay nodded.

Erin nodded, and walked Jay back to his desk.

Later on. Jay started to get spasms in his stomach, and he was in so much pain.

Erin looked over, and rushed over to Jay's desk.

"Your sweating, Jay. It's time to go to Med..." Erin decided.

Jay stood up, and fell to his knees.

"Ow! Fuck! That hurts!" Jay cried.

Antonio walked over, and held Jay up.

"Your okay, lean on me. Bud." Antonio whispered.

Jay put his arm around Antonio's shoulder, and limped.

"I-I can't go Chicago Med..." Jay shook his head.

The unit looked at Erin, with confused expressions.

"They have Jay on record, he's marked down as "Possible Domestic Abuse" When they check Jay's injuries, it'll give them more ammo to add to the record..." Erin explained.

The unit nodded, and walked Jay downstairs.

Hank got into the car, and drove to Med.

"I-I said. "No Med." Why aren't you listening to me?!" Jay snapped.

Hank ignored Jay, and parked outside the Med entrance.

"I heard! Get him on the wheelchair..."Will instructed.

Hank sat Jay down on the wheelchair, and put his feet on the stands.

"Will, I said "Don't bring me here." They didn't listen!" Jay piped up.

Will laughed softly, and helped Jay sit on the bed.

"Well. Your in pain, and Med's closer to the district!" Will replied.

Jay sighed, and Monique lifted his shirt up.

"Well. Big brother, you got bruises, which are the same size as a golfing ball." Will explained.

Jay closed his eyes, and felt the cold gel get put on his stomach.

"Let's see what's going on...?" Will whispered.

Will scanned Jay's stomach, and heard beeping.

"J-." Will stopped.

Jay lost consciousness, and lied limply on the bed.

"Dammit! Let's bag him! Tell the OR we're on our way up!" Will ordered.

Monique oxygenated Jay, while other nurses wheeled the bed out.

"W-Where's my daddy going?" Alicia's lip quivered.

Erin picked Alicia up, and smiled softly.

"Daddy has a few booboos in his tummy, so Uncle Will, and all these other doctors, are gonna fix him up!" Erin explained.

Alicia sniffled, and lied her small head on Erin's shoulder.

After a few hours. Jay was asleep, with the covers piled on him.

"He's gonna be okay. We had to give him heavy sedation, as the procedure made Jay's blood pressure drop, but we managed to get it under control." Will explained.

The unit nodded, and Erin kissed Jay's head.

"It's okay, your gonna be okay..." Erin soothed.

Jay's eyes began moving behind his eyelids, showing that he's starting to wake up.

"He's waking up. I think..." Adam whispered.

Will walked over, and noticed Jay's head sweating.

"No, he's having a nightmare..." Will sighed.

The unit all looked worried, whereas Erin looked calm.

"Sis, you might wanna stand back..." Will advised.

Erin shook her head, and rubbed her fingers over Jay's fingers.

"He's okay. This normally calms him..." Erin whispered.

The unit watched as Jay's jerky movements slowed down.

"It's working..." Kim whispered.

Erin smiled, and continued doing her small caresses on Jay's fingers.

"How can he relax under your touches?" Adam asked.

Erin moved positions, and Jay's head was now resting on her lap.

"It's our thing. It works!" Erin smiled.

Hank smiled, and kissed Erin, and Jay's head.

"Erin..." Jay mumbled.

Erin looked down, and smiled.

"Yes. Baby?" Erin cooed.

"Can I have some ice cream?" Jay whispered.

Erin giggled, and responded.

"What are you? Four years old?!" Erin joked.

Jay did his best puppy eyes, and whimpered.

"Okay! Okay! Will? Can you get your brother some strawberry ice-." Erin got interrupted.

"Already on it. Erin!" Will laughed.

Erin nodded, and Jay snuggled down.

"What do you want next? Halstead? Bed bath? Head massage?" Erin teased.

"If your offering?" Jay smirked.

Erin playfully slapped Jay's head, and laughed.

"Shut up..." Erin giggled.

Jay pouted, and closed his eyes.

"But. I'll give you one of my famous head massages..." Erin smiled.

Jay smiled, and felt Erin's fingers graze through his scalp.

"Mmm..." Jay moaned.

Erin giggled, and kissed Jay's nose.

Later on. Erin and Jay were asleep at home.

Hi My Readers!!

Hope you like this part!!

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~Stay Safe 🙂

Xoxo Xoxo


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