~Twenty four~

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Trigger Warning: If this topic triggers you. Skip this chapter!

It had been months, and months, since Erin's kidnapping, and she was slowly getting through it.

Jay was typing up his paperwork, when he heard scratching in the walls.

"Anyone hear that?" Jay asked.

Antonio looked at Jay, and looked confused.

"Hear what?" Antonio asked.

Jay heard the scratching stop, and he thought it was nothing.

"Nothing! Don't worry!" Jay smiled.

Antonio nodded, and continued typing up his paperwork.

As Jay continued to type up his paperwork, he heard the scratching again.

"Can't any of you, hear that?" Jay wondered.

The unit all shook their heads, and looked at Jay.

"Hear what? We're not hearing anything, other than your voice!" Adam explained.

Jay looked at Erin, who looked back with a concerned expression.

"Jay? Are you okay?" Erin asked.

"Yeah? I-I don't know where the scratching is coming from...?" Jay responded.

Erin listened for any scratching, and heard nothing.

"Babe? There's no scratching..." Erin confirmed.

Jay sighed, he heard scratching, he just needed the unit to believe him.

"I'm probably just imagining it?" Jay brushed it off.

Erin agreed, and walked back to her desk.

Later on. The unit were eating pizza, and Jay heard the scratching again.

"Fuck sakes!" Jay cursed.

The unit all looked at Jay, and dropped their pizza.

"Jay? What's going on?! You've been freaking out all day!" Kim asked.

Jay put his pizza down, and looked at the unit.

"Are you not hearing the scratching? In the walls?" Jay questioned.

The unit looked at Erin, who had the same expression as them.

"Baby? Are you feeling sick? Do you have a migraine?" Erin asked.

Jay shook his head, he wasn't imagining it, well he thought that he wasn't.

"No! I'm not sick! I'm hearing scratches in the walls!" Jay exclaimed.

The unit were all worried about their best friend's mental state.

"Jay? Maybe you should go home? Rest a bit?" Antonio suggested.

Jay sighed, and grabbed his Jacket.

"I'm not hearing things! I'm telling you..." Jay whispered.

Jay put his coat on, and walked downstairs.

"Erin? I love you dearly, but you have to sort your Man out..." Adam responded.

Erin sighed, and thought about all the possible scenarios, what Jay could be thinking.

After a few hours. Erin walked into the bullpen. and noticed her doorman.

"Louie!" Erin smiled.

Louie smiled, and looked at Erin.

"Miss Lindsay? Have you got rodents?" Louie asked.

Erin was taken aback by Louie's sudden comment.

"N-No? Why?" Erin asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26 ⏰

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