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Erin was now 35 Weeks pregnant, and she was getting midnight cravings, insomnia, she didn't like waking Jay up, but he didn't mind.

As Erin got up to get another coffee from the breakroom, she felt something dripping down her leg.

Erin looked down, and noticed the dripping down her leg was - Blood!

"JAY!" Erin yelled.

Jay rushed into the breakroom, and noticed Erin's pale complexion.

"Erin? Baby? What's going on?" Jay asked.

Erin pointed to her legs, which were covered in blood.

"Damn!" Jay whispered.

Jay caught Erin before she collapsed on the floor.

"ANTONIO!" Jay yelled.

After a few minutes. Antonio rushed in.

"Damn! Let's get her to Med!" Antonio instructed.

Jay picked Erin up, and rushed out of the breakroom.

"Let's go!" Antonio exclaimed.'

The two men rushed downstairs, Erin unconscious in Jay's arms.

After 15 Minutes. Jay rushed into Med, with Erin.

"NAT! I NEED SOME HELP!" Jay shouted.

Natalie ran over with Will, and placed Erin on the stretcher.

"How far along is she?" Natalie asked.

"Umm. 35 Weeks!" Jay replied.

Natalie nodded, and looked at Erin.

"We got you. Erin. Stay with us." Natalie smiled.

Natalie wheeled Erin towards a treatment room, while Will dealt with Jay.

"Jay. You can't go through there, buddy." Will whispered.

"Like hell I can't..." Jay whispered.

Will stopped Jay, and spoke softly.

"Jay. Natalie's gonna look after Erin. I promise. Munchkin..." Will promised.

Jay broke into tears, and his temperature went up.

"Baby bro. Your burning up, you need to cool down. Come on, let's get you sorted." Will suggested.

Will guided Jay towards an empty room, and drew the curtains.

"Antonio! How's Erin?" Hank asked.

Antonio sighed, and looked at Hank.

"Erin collapsed in Jay's arms, hopefully, she's not miscarrying. She's gone into surgery. Jay's gone with Will to get cleaned up..." Antonio explained.

Hank nodded, and sat down with the unit.

After Awhile. Natalie walked out, and spoke to the unit.

"We've operated on Erin. Unfortunately, the first foetus was no longer viable, but the second foetus managed to live. It wasn't anyone's fault. It was a just a matter of why? Erin's in recovery, I have to warn you, she's emotional, distraught, she's just woken up, so tread lightly when you see her..." Natalie explained.

The unit had no idea that Erin was carrying twins. Even Jay was shocked.

"Sorry? Erin had twins...?" Jay asked.

Natalie was shocked as well. She thought everyone knew.

"Oh. I'm sorry. I thought you knew? Yeah. Erin was carrying two babies..." Natalie confirmed.

The unit all nodded, and followed Natalie to Erin's hospital room.

Natalie opened the door, and allowed the unit in.

"There she is..." Natalie smiled.

Jay rushed in, and held Erin tightly.

"Jay..." Erin cried.

Jay sat on the bed, and brought Erin into his arms.

"I got you, baby girl. I got you..." Jay soothed.

Erin closed her eyes, and cried softly.

"Guys. Give us a minute?" Jay asked.

"Yeah. Sure!" Hank nodded.

The unit all kissed Erin and Jay's head, and left room.

"Hey, It's okay..." Jay shushed gently.

Erin sniffled, and hugged Jay.

"Nat told me I had two babies?." Erin sniffled.

Jay put his hands on Erin's cheeks, and kissed her lips.

"Yep! That's good right?" Jay promised.

Erin smiled through her tears, and closed her eyes.

"Yeah..." Erin whispered.

After Awhile. Erin and Jay were taking their baby girl home, after getting the once over from Natalie.

Jay walked towards the truck, and put Alicia in the booster seat.

"There's my good girl..." Jay cooed.

Alicia was fast asleep in her booster seat, gurgling softly.

Jay shut the door, and got into the driver's side.

"You okay?" Jay asked.

Erin nodded, and smiled.

"Let's get our baby home..." Erin sighed.

Jay turned the button on, and drove out of the parking lot.

Later on. Erin and Jay were at the apartment, Jay shushing Alicia to sleep.

"There's my girl..." Jay smiled.

Erin came downstairs, and sat next to Jay, and cuddled into him.

"Alicia's just gone off." Jay smiled.

Erin nodded, and closed her eyes.

"We're gonna be okay, right?" Erin asked.

Jay looked at Erin, and nodded.

"We're gonna be fine!" Jay promised.

Erin smiled tiredly, and closed her eyes.

After 15 Minutes. Erin and Jay were asleep in bed. Alicia asleep in her crib.

Hi My Readers!!

Hope you like this part!!

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~Stay Safe 🙂

Xoxo Xoxo


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