The Queen

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A/N: Another chapter, and we get to see Y/N use his two lightsabers. Question- in the future of this story, would you all like smut?


Queen Amidala, Sio Babble, and six of her handmaidens (Eirtae, Yane, Padme, Hermione, Rade, Sache) are surrounded by a half dozen droids. Captain Panaka and four Naboo guards are also with them as they are lead down stairs to the main floor. NUTE and RUNE are walking with the group.

BIBBLE: "How will you explain this invasion to the Senate?"

NUTE: "The Queen and I will sign a treaty that will legitimize our occupation here. I assurances it will be ratified by the Senate."

AMIDALA: "I will not co-operate."

NUTE: "Now, now, your Highness. In time, the suffering of your people will persuade you to see our point of view. Commander?"

OOM-9 steps forward.

OOM-9: "Yes, sir!"

NUTE: "Process them."

OOM-9 turns to his sergeant.

OOM-9: "Captain, take them to Camp Four."

CAPTAIN: "Roger, roger."

The SERGEANT marches the GROUP down the rest of the stairs and into the plaza.


The queen, Padme, Hermione, Eirtae, Rabe, Sache, Captain Panaka, Sio Bibble, and four guards are led out of the palace by ten droids. The plaza is filled with tanks and droids, which they pass on their way to the detention camp. Unbeknownst to them, the Jedi, and JAR JAR sneak across on a walkway above the plaza and jump from a balcony to begin an attack to rescue the Queen.

However, four droids get cut in half by two lightsabers, that are yellow and purple. As the other droids move in, the lightsabers get thrown into two droids. The purple lightsaber, that is in a shape of a cross, gets pulled back to its owner and the young Jedi uses it to cut down two more droids. The regular yellow lightsaber then cuts through the other droid, without being touched. The Sargent droid try's to run back gets pulled back to the Jedi and the Jedi cuts the droid into three parts, by using both sabers at the same time.

Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan watch Y/N finish executing the droids and drop from the walkway.

Y/N: He turns to the others and does a mock bow. "You all are so very welcome."

QUI-GON: "We should leave the streets, your highness."

Sio Bibble takes Queen Amidala away.

Captain Panaka turns to the guards.

Captain Panaka: "Get their weapons."

JAR JAR: "Woah. Yousa bombad!"

Queen Amidala and the others are amazed, at the young duel wielding Jedi. JAR JAR is getting used to this. They move between two buildings.

QUI-GON: "We're the Ambassadors, for the Supreme Chancellor."

BIBBLE: "Your negotiations seem to have failed, Ambassador."

Y/N: "Well you're lucky we even bothered to come here."

QUI-GON: "The negotiations never took place. It's urgent that we make contact with the republic."

Captain Panaka steps forward.

CAPT. Panaka: "They've knocked out all our communications."

QUI-GON: "Do you have transports?"

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