The fight

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All is peaceful. Suddenly there is a disturbance in the middle of the lake. A rush of bubbles, then a Gungan Soldier riding a KAADU emerges from the fog, followed by Several Others.

Soldiers on huge, lizard-like FAMBAAS with large shield generators mounted on their backs follow the marching Warriors.

The Gungan Army heads out of the swamp and onto the rolling grassy hills. Hundreds of Gungan Warriors march in lon lines toward the horizon.

The Gungan, GENERAL CEEL, sees the tanks on the ridge and orders a halt. The Gungans are spread out in a large line. JAR JAR is nervous.

GENERAL CEEL signals to the shield operators.

GENERAL CEEL: "Halt! Starten up the shield."

A red ray shoots out of the generator and blasts into a large dish on the back of a second FAMBAA and spreads like an umbrella over the assembled Warriors.

Federation tanks move up to a ridge and stop. In the distance they see the Gungan Army waiting for them.

BATTLE DROID CAPT.: "Pull 'em forward."

The Federation tanks fire upon the Gungan army hitting thier shields.


Padme, followed by Hermione, Eirtae, Y/N, OBI-WAN, QUI-GON, Anakin, and ARTOO, stealthily makes her way toward the entrance to the main hanger. They are followed by about Twenty Naboo Guards, Pilots, and Troops. They stop, and Padme uses a small red laser light to signal across the plaza to Captain Panaka, Rabe and Twenty Other Assorted Naboo Troops. They signal back. QUI-GON leans over to Anakin and Hermione.

QUI-GON: "Once we get inside, you two find a safe place to hide and stay there."

Anakin: "Sure."

Hermione: "Okay."

QUI-GON: He gives a stern look. "Stay there!"

Droid Troops mill about the tank-filled plaza. At the far end of the plaza, Several Droids begin to run and fire. Naboo Soldiers begin to fire back at the Battle Droids.

As the ruckus erupts at one end of the plaza, Padme and her Troops rush into the main hanger. Captain Panaka and His Soldiers continue to engage the Droids outside.


NUTE, RUNE, and Four Council Members watch the plaza battle on a large view screen.

NUTE: "I thought the battle was going to take place far from here... this is too close!"


QUI-GON: "Kids, find cover, quick!"

Anakin and Hermione hide behind one of the Naboo fighters, ducking as large bolts whiz past and Explode near him. Padme and the Jedi destroy Battle Droids right and left. The Queen's Troops and Eirtae also blast away at the Droids. Padme signals to her pilots.

Padme: "Get to your ships!"

The Pilots and ARTOO Units run for the Naboo fighter craft stacked in the hanger bay.

The ship begins to levitate out of the hanger. Battle Droids fire at it as it falls in behind five other fighters. ARTOO whistles to the kids from a fighter not far away. They run and jump into the fighter to hide.


Several Fighters take off. One is hit which causes it to pinwheel into the ground and Explode.

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