Gaining a padawan and a flashback

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A/N: I know I said I was gonna do a 'story' in between episode 1 and 2. But this was the best I could do, sorry.

It was one year after Maul's defeat. After I won.

Anakin's training was going good. He was the padawan to Obi-Wan, I only helped in the training.


I was basically a servant to the council... kinda.

I was an excellent Jedi Knight. I did whatever missions I could.

I was currently in front of the council, I came to discuss a mission I was gonna have in a couple days. But, master Windu and Yoda were talking about a youngling who hasn't gotten picked.

Mace Windu: "I don't think there is anyone else who could take her. She'd stay a youngling."

Y/N: "I'll take her." The council looks at me. "I don't have a padawan, and she is about to has no master, so I can take her."

Yoda: "Sure you are?"

Y/N: "Very."

Mace Windu: "Well then, it's decided. Y/N, you now have a padawan."


I was in the training room with my newly acquired padawan.

Y/N: "So, what's your name?"

Girl: "It's Amber Shay."

Y/N: "Well Amber, it's a pleasure to have you as a padawan."

Amber: "Why did you choose me? Why didn't you just let me be a youngling again?"

Y/N: "I'm sure you didn't deserve that. Do you not want me as your master?"

Amber: "No I do! Everyone thinks you're the coolest Jedi."

Y/N: "Really?" Amber nods. "Do you have your lightsaber yet?"

Amber: "No."

Y/N: "Here, use this." I hand her my normal lightsaber.

Amber: "Are you sure?"

Y/N: "Yes. I never liked the training sabers." I stand a bit away from her and ignite my cross guard. "We aren't training, I'm gonna do the movements slow and you repeat. Okay?"

Amber: "Yes, master."

I slowly do the movements to 'Vaapad' form 7.
It's the one I use. Along with Jar'Kai. It was a form for duel wielders.

Amber was doing great. Even when I sped up the movements, she did amazing with form 7.


It was a few days after I got Amber. She was training against a few dummies, using a training lightsaber, it was a double sided one. She did amazing.

I was trying to expand my normal lightsaber into a double sided one.

Amber: "I think you're doing it wrong."

I turn and see her behind me.

Y/N: "Aren't you supposed to be training?"

Amber: "I finished."

Y/N: "What do you mean I'm doing it wrong?"

Amber: "You're trying to make a second side to your lightsaber, while keeping it. You should technically make another lightsaber and connect it to that one."

I think for a moment. She's right.

Y/N: "I think I just decided on your lightsaber."

Amber: "What?"

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