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The ship heads toward the planet of Tatooine.


The Naboo spacecraft lands in the desert in a swirl of dust. The spaceport of Mos Espa is seen in the distance.


Y/N was thinking about his home planet, no one other than himself and his Master Mace Windu knew of what happened. Y/N was so lost in his thoughts he didn't hear Padme and Hermione come up to him.

Padme: "Excuse me, are you alright?" The handmaiden asks concerned.

Y/N: "Yeah, I'm good... why would you think otherwise?"

Hermione: "You look like you're thinking about something."

Y/N: After a few seconds he gives a reply. "Tatoonie reminds me of my home planet. It was a desert planet as well."

Padme: "So you're homesick?"

Y/N: "Yeah, I... miss it." But Y/N didn't miss his home planet, for multiple reasons but how could you miss something that doesn't exist anymore?

Padme: She notices the young Jedi is uncomfortable, so she switches subjects. "So, you speak droid?"

Y/N: Chuckles. "Yeah I can, there were droids on my home planet." He remembers the droid that taught him, the droid was like family... not that it was a challenge to be better than Y/N's family.

Hermione: "How'd you do all that fighting stuff on Naboo?" The younger sister asks excitedly. "I mean you took down so many enemies by yourself and you did so quickly!" Padme simply smiles at her younger sister's excitement.

Y/N: With a smile. "I am in the top three best duelists amongst the Jedi. My master Mace Windu is a legend amongst duelists."

Padme: "That's quite impressive, does your master also carry two lightsabers?"

Y/N: "There aren't many duel wielders. I don't know any. Also, I'm the only one at the Jedi temple to have two colors... possibly the only one at the moment."

Hermione: "Do your lightsaber colors mean something?"

Y/N: "Usually the masters carry a green lightsaber and the padawans blue. Though, my master does have a purple lightsaber as well. I'm not entirely sure but, the kyber crystal changes color due to the emotion of the owner. Oh and yellow is held by force healers, which are rare."

Padme: "So, you are one of the few Jedi, if not second, to have a purple lightsaber, you are possibly the only one with two lightsabers, and two colors, and you're a force healer? You are quite the Jedi." Padme gives a beautiful smile.

Y/N: "I suppose I am." He returns the smile.

Hermione: "Why is your purple lightsaber in a cross formation?"

Y/N: "Cross guard, it's more of a powerful weapon. It lets power out of the blade and the cross can catch the opponent's blade."

The sisters marvel at the Jedi before them, he was so unique. They didn't get to say anything else before they were called to the queen.

Padme: "We must go, it was nice talking to you." The sisters wave a bye and go towards the Queen. R2 then gives a beep.

Y/N: "When did you get here?" R2 beeps. "Obi-Wan is not using you as a messenger bot." R2 beeps angrily. "He is!?"


After OBI-WAN sent R2 to get Y/N, he is hoisting the hyperdrive out of a floor panel.

Force Love (Padme Amidala x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now