Reuniting old friendships

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A/N: I just found out this story has one thousand reads. So thank you for that. Enjoy.


The Lieutenant and two Security Officers address Senator Amidala as the Cruiser nears the planet.

Lieutenant: "Senator, we're making our final approach in to Coruscant."

Senator Amidala: "Very good, Lieutenant."


The ships skim across the surface of the city landscape. The sun glints off the chrome hulls of the sleek Naboo spacecraft as they navigate between the buildings of the capital planet.


Two Naboo Fighters land on one leaf of a three-leaf-clover landing platform. The Naboo Cruiser lands on the central leaf, and the third Fighter lands on the remaining platform.

A small Group Of Dignitaries waits to welcome the Senator.

One of the Fighter Pilots jumps from the wing of his ship and removes his helmet. He is CAPTAIN TYPHO, Senator Amidala's Security Officer. He moves over to a Woman Pilot.

CAPTAIN TYPHO: "We made it. I guess I was wrong, there was no danger at all."

The ramp lowers. Three Naboo Guards appear. Senator Amidala, One Handmaiden (VERSÉ) and Four Troopers descend the ramp. Amidala is more beautiful now than she was ten years
earlier when, as Queen, she was freeing her people from the yoke of the Trade Federation.

The Dignitaries start to move forward. Senator Amidala reaches the foot of the ramp, when suddenly there is a blinding Flash and a huge Explosion. The Dignitaries and
Pilots are hurled to the ground as the starship is destroyed.

Klaxons blare, alarms sound! CAPTAIN TYPHO and the three Escort Pilots get up and run to where Senator Amidala lies dying. Beyond, ARTOO DETOO drops down from the Naboo
Fighter and rolls toward the wreckage. The Female Escort Pilots kneel by Senator Amidala and they take off the helmets, revealing Senator Padme Amidala and Hermione Amidala.

Padme: "Cordé..."

She gathers up her decoy double in her arms. Cordé's eyes open. She looks up at her.

CORDÉ: "I'm so sorry, M'Lady... I'm... not sure I... I've failed you, Senator."

CORDÉ dies. Padme hugs her.

Padme: "No...!"

CAPTAIN TYPHO: "M'Lady, you are still in danger here."

Hermione: "Padme, please. We need to go." The younger Amidala has teary eyes.

Padme lowers CORDÉ to the ground. She gets up and looks around at the devastation. There are tears in her eyes.

Padme: "I shouldn't have come back."

CAPTAIN TYPHO: "This vote is very important. You did your duty, Cordé did hers. Now come."She doesn't respond. "Senator Amidala, please!"

She turns. They walk away. ARTOO lets out a small whimper and rolls after them.


The massive Senate Building glistens in the afternoon sun. Small patches of fog have still to burn off.


The vast rotunda is buzzing with chatter. MAS AMEDDA, the Supreme Chancellor's majordomo, tries to quiet things down as PALPATINE confers with an AIDE, UV GIZEN, riding a small one-man floating scooter.

Force Love (Padme Amidala x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now