The assassination attempt

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A/N: Sorry for the wait.


Anakin is standing in the living room. He is in a
meditative state. It is quiet. He hear's Distant Footsteps in the corridor outside the apartment. Suddenly Anakin's eyes pop open. His eyes dart around the room. He reaches for his lightsaber, then smiles and puts it back in his belt.

The door to the apartment slides open, and OBI-WAN enters.

OBI-WAN: "Captain Typho has more than enough men downstairs. No assassin will try that way. Any activity up here?"

Obi-Wan and Anakin are guarding Hermione, while Y/N and Amber got Padme.

Anakin: "Quiet as a tomb. I don't like just waiting here for something to happen to her."

OBI-WAN checks a palm-sized view scanner he has pulled out of his utility belt. It shows a shot of ARTOO by the door, but no sign of Hermione on the bed.

OBI-WAN: "What's going on?"

Anakin shrugs.

Anakin: "She covered the cameras. I don't think she liked me watching her."

OBI-WAN: "What is she thinking?"

Anakin: "Y/N programmed Artoo to warn us if there's an intruder."


Y/N and Amber were at the kitchen counter, he was drawing up some plans for Zero, and she was drawing something for her lightsaber.

The droid was with Padme. Zero had the same alarm thing as R2.

Amber: "Master?"

Y/N: Looks up. "Yeah?"

Amber: "Is this okay?" She slides whatever blueprint she was drawing over to the duel wielder.

Y/N looks over the paper. It's a design for Amber's double bladed lightsaber, so it could be separated into a duel wield stance.

Y/N: "Amber this is incredible. This is an amazing idea." He says, proud of his padawan.

Amber: Smiles at the praise. "Really? But, I feel like the council won't allow it."

Y/N: "You're right, but if the council never sees it, it'll be fine." He grows a bit more serious. "Amber, there are some Jedi rules that shouldn't be enforced."

Amber nods, she knew her master didn't care for Jedi rules. She also knew his outlook on the force.

Amber: "So, you'll allow me to do it?"

Y/N: "Of course. I might have to try it on my own."

Amber: Laughs a bit. "So, you'll technically have three lightsabers? That might be a bit much."

Y/N: "Maybe, but despite popular belief, it is a bit difficult only using one hand on a cross guard lightsaber and a double blade."

Amber: Clicks her tongue. "Welp, just another secret to keep from the council." She gains a mischievous look. "Maybe you should tell someone special though."

Y/N: Raises an eyebrow. "What?"

Amber: "You know, maybe a used to be queen?"

Y/N: "Padme?"

Amber: "You said it, not me."

Y/N scoffs a reply.


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