『ch.1』meeting him

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I was heading out to go to my job at the smile and grin club, I was one of the popular dancers there and my coworkers were very jealous, but what can I say I'm very hot. I hop in my black Mercedes and drive my way to work which is about 10 minutes away. I head on and go straight to the dressing room and put on one of my favorite black outfits with my platform heels along with some black and green makeup to match my braids. As I'm about to go on the stage I tell the dj what song I want.

I strut up to the stage as "gangsta" by kehlani plays. I start to spin around the pole, doing little tricks where I go upside down,doing the splits having fun. I bend over looking underneath my legs before I do a split as I twerk a little. The crowd gets louder as they throw more cash up. Then a mysterious man walks up to me and tells me to follow him. I exit off the stage and follow him behind these beaded curtains to where I find the infamous joker. Damn,he's hotter in person... I think to myself.

"Hello doll face, I just couldn't help but notice how good of a dancer you are." He says to me "What's your name doll hm?" He asked as he leans towards me. "Um my name is y/n..." I say nervously. "Well that's a pretty name for a girl like you now. Go ahead sit down right here, my meeting is almost finish" he pats next to him and sit right there.

As I'm zoned out I suddenly hear a gun shot and I jump, I look up and see the two men he were talking to with a bullet in both of there heads. "What the hell..." I mumble to myself. Joker then looks over and says "I'm taking you home with me, can't leave any witnesses" he sticks his arm out and I follow him out side to his car. As I get in I start to put my seat belt on and he stops me, "you don't wanna have any fun doll?" He asks me. "You know what your right I'll leave it off." As soon as I say does words he zooms off,I grab the handle on the roof of the car."What the hell bro, you can't be driving like it's Nascar or something." He suddenly pulls over and looks me dead in the eye."I do whatever I want, and your going to learn that, understand?" I nod my head.

Eventually after the long car ride we end up at his penthouse. As he leads me up there I hear screaming "PUDDIN' YOUR HOME!"  I look at the top of the steps and see Harley Quinn. She gives me a dirty look."Who the hell is this slut?" She asks I suddenly look up at her "Umm excuse me but who you calling a slut?" I ask confused looking her up and down. "I'm pretty sure you knew I was talking to you." She says as she's coming down the stairs."Yeah I ain't got time all of this I'm just going to leave" I say stressed and turning around. "That's what I thought... pussy." I turn around quickly. "You ain't talking to me like that, cause trust me you don't want this..."I tell her. "Bring it bitch..."she says as she throws a punch at me, i quickly dodge it then I kick my leg underneath  her dropping her to the ground to punch her. "PUDDIN HELP!" She screams out "nah bitch you asked for this."

Joker comes running I'm after coming from wherever he was at  and pulls me off of Harley. "Harley what happend..." he asked clearly pissed off. "W-well I just came down the steps and she just jumped on me..."she says as she begins to fake cry."Okay now that's a fucking lie see what really happend was first you called me a slut,then I was about to leave out and you called my a pussy, then you wanted to fight then bam now we're here." He looks at me surprised. "Harley go upstairs, y/n come with me." She pouts as she goes up stairs .

Joker takes me into his big ass living room and sits me on his couch. "You know your bleeding right?" He asks me. "Oh really I'll be fine." I say shrugging. "No let me help you..." he goes somewhere and comes back with a med kit and starts to wipe the blood off of my neck with rubbing alcohol. "Um thank you I guess..." I tell him. "Don't worry about it, here can I tell you something... I never liked Harley, she's just a play thing and I'll just throw her away when im finished with her. But you my dear, you have more than she ever could and I know it. I want you to be mine... can you do that for me?" It think about it for a second. "Yes, anything for you."

He rolls his head back and purrs, he yells for his goons to get ready and head to ace chemicals. We hop in his car again and drive to the place. "Question, would you die for me?" He asks "yes..." I say rapidly. "No that's to easy" he mumbles. "Would you.... would you live for me" the again I say "yes". "Careful do not say this oath thoughtlessly , desire becomes surrender, surrender becomes power. Say it for me, pretty pretty pretty pretty-" I cut him off. "Please?". " God your good at this." He steps back I look down at the fuming chemicals and I look back up at him I turn facing him and fall back hoping he'd catch me, as the burning sensation covered me I feel myself being brought back up. I lock eye contact with him and we kiss. "We will continue this at home y/n...


Word count-1012

Ahhh first chapter low-key nervous but I'll try to post chapters daily♥︎

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