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Jokers P.O.V

As I'm in my office I hear someone knock on the door. "Come in." I say coldly. "Boss,she left out." Frost tells me. "What do you mean "she left out" why didn't you stop her?". I say raging with anger. "Well I tried to warn her, but she just walked out." He simply says. "Y'know what, it's fine." I say remembering the tracking device I have in her. "Frost the car around, we're going out."

We arive to the club and I see her dancing with some guy which makes my blood boil, I go sit down in my usual spot and order a whisky. I see one of the dancer,but she looks familiar, like I've seen her before. I whistle getting her attention,she comes over then I realize. It's Harley. "Hiya puddin' " she says all bubbly. "Hi harls, I've missed you, but i thought you were in bella reave?." I say taking my fingers through her hair. "Oh i was but we broke out." She says. I pull her my lap and we start a light makeout session until we get interrupted by frost. "Sir he's here." We stop and I sit Harley next to me. "Hello, Edward, or should I say riddler.

Your P.O.V

I had went to the bathroom and suddenly Edward was gone,men these days. I go to the bar and get one last drink before I leave out and as I'm leaving out I hear someone calling my name, I turn to see it was Edward but he was also with Joker and Harley. I go behind the beaded curtains and see what he wanted. "Well I wanted to introduce you to some friends I know, Joker,Harley meet y/n." He says. "Oh sadly we've meet before..." I say rolling my eyes in annoyance. "Yes, we have some history." Joker replies. "Is that so,your telling me you went from her to, Harley, a true downgrade if you ask me." Edward says and seeing harleys pouting which makes me giggle a little. "I mean I wouldn't put it in those exact words but sure. I mean your saying it so it makes me sound wonderful." I say smiling. Suddenly Edward pulls me on his lap and wrapped his arms around my waist, and I felt something hard REALLY hard which made me blush.

The meeting goes on but I didn't notice because I ended up falling asleep on his lap, I wake up in Edward's car as he's driving. "About time you woke up, you were really tired." He continued to drive until we got to his place, I will say he has nice taste in houses. He leads me his room which was very large in the center he has a couch and TV off to the left there's a small hallway that leads to the his bed. I lay on his bed and scroll on my phone until I get tired again, I go to Edward's bathroom and get a rag to wipe all of my makeup off. After I take my dress off leaving me in my shorts and crop top a had underneath. I take my hairout the style i had and put it in a ponytail and go back to his bed to go asleep.

It's about 4:30 am and I feel the bed shift, I look up to see it was just Edward. "Where were you?" I ask. "Oh I was just out helping an old friend." I shrug it off and fall back asleep on his chest.

(Fastfoward to the next day, I don't feel like writing all of that.)

I wake up and go downstairs to see Edward not there, then I feel hands cover my eyes then I hear his voice. "Shh it's just me." He guides me to the living room and uncovers my eyes, he surprised me with a bouquet of flower,some teddy bears and tons of jewelry. "Ed, I don't know what to say... this is amazing!" I say turning around and hugging him. "Oh there's more, but you have to wait for that..." my mouth drops. "Wait your telling me there's more gifts?" He nods. "Oh my god, I'm inlove with you." He blushes a little. "Why don't we get a little more rest, your going to need it. We have a long day ahead of us."

Word count-734

Yeah this is my shortest chapter so far, had writers block. And I'm using Edward nygma/ the riddler  from gotham because I think that's the best one.

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