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We hop in Selinas car and she asks "what song do you wanna listen to?" She says scrolling thru her playlist. "Okay how about agora hills by-" She cuts me off. "I loveee that song honey yes." And here we are screaming the lyrics out like crazy with the windows down.

Kissing I hope they caught us rather they like or not, I wanna show you off, I wanna show you off. I wanna brag about it, I wanna tie the knot,I wanna show you off I wanna show off.

As we finish the song we make it to her house she brings me to her room and we chill and watch the titanic. "They both could have fit thru that door!" Selina says sobbing "I knowww." I say sobbing with her. After the movie went off we talked about how hot Leonardo dicaprio was. "Honestly id let him have my babies." I say shoving ice cream in my mouth. "No because yes." She says agreeing with me.

We are sitting in her room scrolling on tiktok and decide to make a video.

"There's a guy with tattoos!" Selina says as shes holding the phone. "Where?!" I say quickly turning around almost falling. We both laugh and then switch positions. "Theres a billionaire!" I say. "Where?!" She says sliding into a split. I roll my eyes. "There's a guy with green hair!" She says "Where?!" I say sliding in a split like she did. "Copy cat." She says, I laugh it off. We review the video and i decide to post it and tag her in it.

♠︎♤♠︎♤♠︎♤♠︎♤♠︎jokers P.O.V♠︎♤♠︎♤♠︎♤♠︎♤♠︎

Where is she?! Who is she with?! I think to myself. She's been gone for way to long. I know I shouldn't have got mad when she said she was engaged to one of the bat's but she could have at least told me. Now I have to take time out off my day to find her. Women these days... "Hey brucey normal I don't call you but I need your help..." I say. "Why and how do you have my number?" He asks confused. "Look don't worry about that. The problem is I can't find my doll. We had a little problem earlier and she hasn't came back, this is normal." I tell him. "Well I wish I could help you but I have problems of my own right now. I can't find my wife so you deal with yours I deal with mines." He says and hangs up the phone. Meany.  I go down to my office and track my dolls phone. I see an address pop up and I get my stuff to leave out.

▪︎□▪︎□▪︎□▪︎□▪︎□▪︎□▪︎Bruce's P.O.V ▪︎□▪︎□▪︎□▪︎□▪︎□▪︎□▪︎

After I get off the phone with Joker I head down to the batcave and look for selinas location from her tracker. After a good minute I find it with the help of Tim. I go back in my room to change my clothes and head put the door. "Master Bruce, if you don't mind me asking where are you going?" Alfread asks me. "I'm going to get Selina I won't be gone long." He nods his head as I close the door and hop in my car to get Selina. As I arive at the location I see joker?! "What are you doing here?" I ask him. "Well I'm getting my doll. What are you doing here?" He asks. "I'm getting my wife..."

♡♥︎♡♥︎♡♥︎♡♥︎♡your P.O.V♡♥︎♡♥︎♡♥︎♡♥︎♡

As me and Selina are watching euphoria we hear a knock on the door. "I'll go get it." Selina says. I pause the episode and wait for her. "Uhm y/n you might want to come here..." I get out of her bed and go downstairs to where I see Bruce and joker sitting on selinas couch. "Bruce? J? Selina what are they doing here?" "Hell I wanna know too..." she says. "Well after earlier you didn't come back and I needed to find you and when I pulled up here was brucey" j says. "Stop calling me that." Bruce says coldly while rolling his eyes. "Bruce come with me." Selina says. "So you come at 2 in the morning I mean you could have wait till the sun comes up." I tell J. "Well you have to understand I care for you-" I cut him off. "You didn't care about me when Bruce told you about that engagement I had when I was 16 I mean god you acted like we were still together. Speaking of together you can't get mad at me because we aren't dating!" I say agrivated. "Yet..." he mumbles under his breath. "What do you mean yet?!"I ask. "You'll see" he says and walk out the door. What the hell? I shrug my shoulders and fall asleep on selinas bed.

Word count-834

That was a short chapter because I'm tired.

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