『ch.12』a new me

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When I woke up I didn't see J in our room. I grabbed my phone and went to the bathroom to get ready for the day. 2 missed calls from big daddy j. I quickly call him back not wanting to make him mad. The phone rung for a litteral second and he answered. "Goodmorning doll." "Goodmorning J, I seen you called, what you need me for?" "I'm going to pick you up in about a hour and a half. I need you to find something in the closet. I gave you a new selection of clothes just walk straight to the back." "Ok bye baby!" "Bye doll." He says and I hang the phone up. I go to the back of the closet to see what he was talking about and I see tons of latex suits, like the ones catwoman wears. How the hell am I going to get this shit on? I choose the red one because I look the best in red. It wasn't a bright red but it was mores if a blood red color. I go ahead and grab my flat irons because I want to wear my natural hair. I go ahead and straighten my hair and do I side part. I grab my makeup pallet and try to stick to using reds and black. After I achieve a look I like I successfully get the latex suit on. I put a little perfume on and grabbed my phone. I got a text from j and saw he was here so I grabbed my Vivienne Westwood bag and walked outside. When I hopped in the car he he grabbed my hand and kissed it. "Oh now you wanna be all polite and lovey dovey." I say with a sarcastic tone. "What? I can't adore my dolls beauty?" He says in a shocked tone. I roll my eyes and sit back to enjoy the car ride.

"Doll, would you be willing to be my partner in crime?" He ask. "J we're already together." I say in a 'duh' tone. "No what I mean is rule the crime world. Just me and you." I pause and think long and hard about this. This is something I've always wanted to do. And I was trained by Bruce wayne and Victor zsasz. "Sure!" I say in a happy tone. "I'll get a trainer for you tomorrow." He says. "Nah I'm already pretty trained." He turns to me with a slightly shocked face. "Oh really, who were you trained by then?" He asks. "Well originally zsasz taught me everything I needed to know at the time as far as hand and hand combat and shooting obviously. But then I started to train with Bruce when I was engaged." He just rolls his eyes and snarls.

About 10 minutes after that conversation we arrived to this warehouse. "Don't worry, just follow me." He said noticing how tense I was. I take a deep breath and step out the car and follow him to this large door. He enters some code and we walk in. I notice a large couch and on that couch i see "Selina, how are you girlie?!" I say in a high pitched tone going to hug her. "Good, how about you?!" She asks returning the hug. "Eh I've been better." I tell her. "So I see your trying to copy my look." She says with a slight laugh at the end. "Girl this was all J. He bought like 20 suits just different colors, at first I couldn't even get it on." I say with a laugh at the end. "That cause you got all that cake back there." She says slapping my ass. "Oop- somebody didn't like that." She says pointing to J. "He'll be fine, he's just a big baby." I say. "Now you know he gonna have you buried in them sheets." She says making me laugh. I hate the fact she's right. We see all the other villains head over to the coach so we end the conversation.

"Girl look." I say nudging selina. "Eww." She says as Harley ad nygma walk on hand and hand. "She looks looney..." I mumble to Selina. J sits besides me and puts his hand on my thigh staring nygma in the eyes with anger. "Calm down." I whisper to him  he just rolls his eyes. After everyone is sat down we sit in silence the looney bitch aka Harley asks. "Why are we even here, I don't wanna see those two!" She says pointing to me and Selina. We both turn to eachother and look back at her. "Oh I know she ain't talking about us." Selina says. "On m soul she ain't talkin', I'll rock her right now." I say standing up to fight. When I stand up she wants to try to hide behind nygma. "Eddy, she's trying to fight me!" She says in a whiny tone. "C'mon you gonna run up or nah, don't think you to good to get beat." I say putting my hair in a ponytail. "Puddin get her!" I pause and look at J. "Yo what she mean by puddin' ? Yall seeing eachother or something?" I ask already mad. "No I swear it's not that, she must be talking about nygma." I turn to nygma. "Does she call you that?" He shakes his head. "Nope, never did." That's all I needed to hear. I quickly lunge towards Harley but Selina holds he back. "You know what me and Selina bout to dip but you." I say pointing to J. "Fuck you." I say slapping him on the face and walking out with Selina behind me.

♠︎♤♠︎♤♠︎♤♠︎♤jokers P.O.V♤♠︎♤♠︎♤♠︎♤♠︎

"She was going to find out eventually." Nygma says. "Oh shut up." I say taking my small knife out my pocket and stabbing his hand. I need to get her back. I say to myself as I head outside to my car and head back home.

♥︎♡♥︎♡♥︎♡♥︎♡your P.O.V♡♥︎♡♥︎♡♥︎♡♥︎

After we drive to selinas place I walk up stairs and fall on her bed. "I hate him!" I yell into the pillow. "Let's forget about him right now." She says rubbing my back. I go in her closet and grab some shorts and a crop top to change into. After I change I hop in the bed with Selina after she changed and we chill in the bed on our phones. "Tomorrow we should piss J off." Selina suggest. "Mhmm, we should." I say. She gets up to flip the light switch and I out my phone on the nightstand next to her bed. "Night bestie." She said giving me a quick peck on my cheek. "Nighttt." I say back. As I'm sleep I feel Selina spoon my and putting her leg in-between mines. And yes, it is making me wet.


Next chapter may include a smut with Selina because she's hot🤭

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