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Nobody's p.o.v
Joker had been planning something special for y/n but he didn't know the right time to do it. Meanwhile y/n has been really distant towards joker and he's been noticing that. Meanwhile back in gotham Edward and Harley are... let's just say messing around.

Your p.o.v
It was the next day and we were about to head back to gotham. As we're on the plane he turns to me and asks "what can I do to make it up to you?" I pause. "W-what do you mean?". "I know you don't trust me, what can I do to make you trust me?" For the first time I actually don't know what to say. It's like I'm talking without words coming out. "I do trust you, it's just-" I was cut off. "If you trust me, why have you been ignoring me? Why have you been acting so distant towards me?" ."I'm sorry okay, it's just after what you did I don't know if i can trust you.". We just sit in silence for a bit then eventually I fall asleep on his shoulder. He wakes me up and we get off the plane. He has frost pick us up and we go back to his house.

J calls me downstairs and I walk in the kitchen to see him cooking something that smells very good. "My hands are kinda messy, do you think you could help me by grabbing some milk out the fridge a pouring it in a measuring cup for me?" I nod my head and grab the milk and measuring cup. "Wait how much?" I ask. "2 ½ cups." I pour it in for him. "What are you even making?" "You'll see. I think you will like it."  "Hm okay." I say skipping back upstairs. About an hour later he calls me back downstairs and I see some of my favorite foods, baked macaroni, turkey, cabbage, ham, dressing, and wait a minute... I check my phone and realize "Its Thanksgiving day?!" "Yes, didn't you know that?.." He asks me. "Um no...but that's besides the point how are we supposed to eat all of this by ourselves?" "That's the thing we're not, I'm inviting a couple of people over, that's why my men aren't here." "Ok so should I get changed in something fancy orrrr?" "Yeah you probably should." I head upstairs and grab all of my glam stuff and start getting ready. I decide to do brown makeup to match my brown dress.

 I decide to do brown makeup to match my brown dress

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Makeup and hair inspo⬆️

Makeup and hair inspo⬆️

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Dress inspo⬆️

By time I'm finished and I walk into the dining room and everyone goes silent, I notice a couple of people I know. Penguin,two faced,Jonathan crane, posion ivy, dead shot, Harley and Edward, Victor zsasz, cheetah and catwoman. I noticed Edward stare at me and Harley gets mad a nudge him. I sit down next to where joker is, and he makes a toast to something, honestly i wasn't listening but while he was edward has staring at me the whole entire time. I began to add food to my plate when catwoman starts talking to me. "Can I just say you look absolutely stunning in the dress." I blush at her compliment. "Thank you very much, you don't look bad either in yours it suits you." I say complimenting her black silky dress. "So how's you and Mr.wayne?" "Oh we're amazinggg we've actually been together for a long time." "tell me, I want to know how it all happened." "Okay well it all started when I was about 13, he was walking with his parents and I was on top of a roof when some man came and shot his parents. Then I kind of became his stalker, eventually we became good friends then one time we were on a rooftop and we kissed, a little after that we started dating and yeah." "That's so cute." I say as I go back to eating my food. Some of the guest leave which leaves me and J by ourselves "look I don't know about you but I'm tired from eating." "I agree with you." We both go upstairs and get ready to have some of the best sleep of our lives.

Word count-712


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