Just friends, nothing more.

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The beginning of this chapter is smut sooooooo yeah 👍

When I woke up we we're in the same position just with her arm wrapped tightly around my waist.  I turn over to see if she was awake and i see her pretty hazel eyes staring back at me. "Goodmorning beautiful." She says giving me a friendly peck on my cheek. "G'morning" I say a little flustered. I get off the bed and go to the bathroom to brush my teeth and I hear Selina calling my name. "Yeah?!" I call back brushing my teeth. "Come look at this!" She says. "Hold on." I say as I finish brushing my teeth. I walk back into the room to see her sitting on the edge of her bed with a wet spot on her sweatpants. "What's this?" She ask with a stern tone. "Okay I can explain so you know what happened yesterday with j, and I was reallyyyy horny or whatever. So when we we're going to sleep your leg slid in-between mine and it turned me on." I say watching her smirk. "So I kept moving in my sleep which led me to having a wet dream  and yeah..." I say with a nervous chuckle. "But I hope your not mad!" I say walking up to her. "Oh I'm not mad, in fact...I wanna try something." She says pulling me on her lap. My eyes widened at the sudden movement. "No don't act shocked now, I know you've wanted this." Selina says moving my hips back and fourth on her thigh. "Mhmm" I whine out. "I can tell you really like this. You need it." She says in a lustful tone. "S-selina please, I need more!" She looks in my eyes for a second then tells me to stand up. I get off her thigh and she walks to her closet and comes back with a whip, handcuffs, a gag, vibrator, and A STRAP?! oh lord, what did I get myself into?  "Your using all of this on me?" I ask nervously.  "Yup, if you want we can create a safe word." She says and exhale. "Okay um jupiter." I say. "What?" She says confused. "That's the safe word." I tell her. "Okay now strip." She tells me. I just look at her. "Did I stutter? Strip." She tells me. I start to take my clothes off and she sees me struggling with my shirt and she rips it off of me. "Thank you.." I tell her. She grabs the handcuffs off her nightstand and handcuff me to her headboard. I hear my phone ring and we both pause. "Look  your going to answer the phone and make it seem like nothing is happening okay?" I nod my head. She hits answer on my phone and turns the speaker towards me. "Yes j?" I say as Selina starts to finger me. "Where are you, I've been looking for you?" J says. "Its none of your business." I say with a slight whine at the end. "You knew good and well I wasn't coming back after what you did." I say rolling my eyes back as Selina moves her fingers faster in and out of me. "Look I'll call you back later my phones dying." And as I say that Selina presses the hang-up button on my phone. "Good job staying quiet." Selina says with a smirk. "Oh shut up." I say rolling my eyes. She grabs my neck and chokes me lightly. "Wanna repeat that love?" She asks as she pinches my nipple. "No, I'm sorry!" I say in a whiny tone. She removes her hand from my neck and grabs the vibrator. She sets it on the highest setting and presses it on my clit making me squirm. "Oh you like that hm?" She says moving her finger in me harder. "Oh yes I do!" I say whimpering. "S-selina I'm getting close!" I say bucking my hips. She removes her fingers from inside me and turns off the vibrator to sit it aside. "Why'd you do that?" I say with a pout in my face. "Because I'm going to be the one to make you cum." She says as she lowers her face in-between my legs and starts to eat me out. "Oh my god mommy, it feels so good!" I yell lifting my hips. She quickly pushes them back down and shoves her tounge deeper in me. "Go ahead and cum baby." She says. Without hesitation I release all over her face and she comes back up looking like a child on Christmas.

(Smut ends here.)

"Did you have fun?" She asks un-cuffing me. "I can barely fucking breath what do you think?" I ask. She just laughs like somethings funny. "Anyways I'll make you a bath and make you some cookies even though it's like 11." She says and I smile. Now I'm not a big back but I love some cookies. She goes to her bathroom and turns the bath on. And then she picks me up bridal style off her bed and sits me in there. 15 minutes later I get out the bath and put on a pair of her shorts and shirt and walk down to the kitchen because I smelt cookies. Once again I'm not a big back I just really like cookies. I see the cookies on the counter in a big bowl and I grab them a hurry to take all of them back upstairs before Selina catches me. I successfully got in her room and I see her putting new sheets on the bed. I wait until she's finished and I jump in the bed with Selina and we watch euphoria for the 2nd time. "Honestly nate is a real bitch but he could get it." I say and Selina looks at me and me and shakes her head no. "Honestly I don't see why people think Jacob elordi is so fine." Selina says. I pull my phone out and go to tiktok and look up THE  Jacob elordi edit. "Now you see?" I ask Selina. "Nope." She says. "You have terrible taste." I say to her and we continue watching euphoria.

Word count-1041

I would just like to say I'm not gay, I promise.

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