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Warning, chapter contains: smut and knife-play. If you don't want to read it I'll add a line for where it starts and ends.
As we entered his car he kept his hand on my thigh the whole time giving me butterflies. I pull down the visor in the car and look at my new look, I look a little paler and the roots of my hair is a cherry red, "like what you see?" He asks me. "I mean it's different, a good different though..."
He continued to speed on the streets of gotham until we made it to his house, he lead me in all the way up the steps until we make it in his room.

_________⚠️ SMUT WARNING⚠️________

He locks the door and turns towards me, he guides me backwards until I feel the bed behind me, he pushes me so im laying on my back. He goes and grabs something from his drawer that I couldn't see. "Y/n darling, do you trust me?" I answer back, "yes, I do...". He puts a blindfold over my eyes and handcuffs my arms to his headboard "what are you doing?" I question him. He shushes me and rips my clothes off in one swift movement, exposed to the coldness my nippels harden. Suddenly I feel a cold blade running up and down my body and I shiver. "Don't tell me your scared, dollface", he then took his finger and started to rub my clit in gentle circles, slowly going faster. "P-please give me more I p-promise I'll be good for you..." I whined out begging. "Such a needy doll, well since you want more I'll give you more." I heard his pants drop to the ground then the thrust himself inside of me giving me no time to adjust to his size. "I can't handle it" I whimper out in pleasure. "Yes you can, just take it like a good girl" he says going faster, he then takes the blindfold off of me seeing my eyes roll to the back of my head. He groans throwing his head back as he twitches inside of me. "I'm so close" I say as my walls become tighter. He grabs my neck forcing himself in me even faster than before. "Is that so? Does daddy make you feel good?" He ask with a smirk on his face. "Shut up, y-you know the answer to that already" I say with a slight attitude. He stops and looks me dead in the eye and takes the hand cuffs off. "All fours, now." He demandly says, I obey him and get on all fours, he smacks my ass before grabbing his knife again, he writes something on my ass but I can't tell. As he finishes he throws his knife somewhere an aligns his self up with my wet entrance, he slides his veiny cock in me, pulling my hair back making me moan loud. I tighten up on his cock once again. "Go ahead doll, cum on daddys cock". With no more words being said I realese on him with a loud moan. He pulls out of me and lays next to me out of breath. "That was fucking amazing... I don't even know how to explain it in words." I tell him "you didn't do to bad yourself princess,now go get cleaned up yourself. I'll be waiting downstairs for you." I get up and head over to his bathroom and look in the mirror. I turn around and see the words "jokers property" carved on my ass, I roll my eyes and turn the bath on and put some soap in.

After my bath i realized I have nothing to put on, I go back in his room and see that there's a pair of sweatpants and a crop top for me to put on. I put my braids up in a messy bun leaving some braids out,I head down stairs to the kitchen where I see joker cooking in just sweatpants which is hot. I sit on the counter I grab my phone to watch tiktok, I continue to scroll and I see this dance I wanna do called "back it up and dump it" so I get up and set my phone on the counter next to joker. I put a 10 second countdown on and he asks "what are you doing?" I reply "A tiktok." He just rolls his eyes and continues cooking, the music starts to play and I begin the dance and he just stares at me the whole time,as I finish I post it and he continues to stare at me. "Are you okay?" I ask him, he just nods he head I look over and he's making shrimp alfredo. I lean over grab a piece of cooked shrimp and eat it. "Did you seriously just do that? You could have waited y'know" he says. "Well sorry but I just wanted to do that... its good though!" I laughs a little at me. He continues to make the alfredo and when he finishes he make me a bowl as soon as he gave it to me I slurped it up... litterally when he sat down I was finished already. "Well did you like it?" He asks surprised. I just nod my head like a little kid. I go to the couch and turn on the TV to watch my favorite show y/f/s (your favorite show) he eventually joins me on the couch with a blanket and we fall asleep there.

The next morning I wake up hearing Harley yelling. "What the hell?" I say not being all the way awake I stand up and see Harley with my stuff... oh shit

Word count-1024

Kinda got writers block at the end, but I love how 50 percent of this chapter is smut😭 anyways I'll update tomorrow. BYEEE

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