『ch.10』trauma pt.1

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Near the end of this chapter it contains rape. If you want you can skip that part. I'll put a warning when it's starting.
♠︎♤♠︎♤♠︎♤♠︎♤♠︎jokers P.O.V♠︎♤♠︎♤♠︎♤♠︎♤♠︎

We were laying in my bed. It was around 6 am and it was a very rainy day in gotham. And all I wanted to do is lay in bed with y/n. But I know I couldn't because I had to ask her about something very important and hopefully she'd be willing to do it.

♡♥︎♡♥︎♡♥︎♡♥︎♡your P.O.V♡♥︎♡♥︎♡♥︎♡♥︎♡

I had woke up on J's chest. I squirm around a little to get comfortable because it felt like something was poking me. "Doll please stop moving." J says. "Well my fault for trying to get comfortable, it feels like there's a big ass stick in my ass." I say with a slight attitude. He just looks at me and smirks. "Why are you smirking? It's not funny." I tell him. "Doll I am the stick..." I tilt my head to the side not understanding. OH!? I underselection.

Slight smut(recommend you read, or don't. Idc.)

"Well let me help you with that." I say [as] i slide down to his erection. "Doll you don't have to do that." He tells me. "But I want to, I'm a good doll." I say smiling as I  slowly palming him through his boxers. He throws his head back groaning in pleasure. I tug at his boxers signaling I want to take them off. He raises his hips and I pull his boxers down as his cock springs free. Just as I was about to put his cock in my mouth I hear a glass break down stairs but we both ignore it. I began to pump his cock in my hands. Just as soon as I was about to shove that thick,long,big,hard,veinyy cock in my mouth somebody decides to barge through the door. J quickly covers me up with the comforter. "What the hell happened to knocking?!" J asks. "I apologize boss, but this is something serious. Harley just came in here and shot one of the guys. We got her out of here but I don't think it's safe to have you here." As frost continues to yap about whatever I decide to be a little sneaky and start to suck J's dick. Why you may ask. Because I just want to tease him a little bit. I continue to suck him faster than before and eventually I feel him twitch in my mouth and i go deeper than i did before and he cums in my mouth. I hear the door close and he takes the comforter off of me. "Doll what was that?" He asks me. "I was just helping you out!" I say smiling like a child. "Your annoying" He says rolling his eyes. "I knowww, but you love me." I reply. "Now I  didn't say that." He says with a little bit of sass in his tone. My jaw was dropped. I was gagged. Didn't know what to say. "You sassy bitch." I say sitting on my knees. "Woah someone offended." He says laughing. Oh so he wants to play? We can play. I grab the nearest  pillow and throw it at him and run out the room. I run down stairs and I can hear him running down the hall. I hurry to put my shoes on and I take one of J's car keys and run out the house. I hurry up and get in his black porshe and drive to selinas house.

☆★☆★☆★☆selinas P.O.V☆★☆★☆★☆

I was curling my hair grtying ready to go out for fun and I hear this banging on my door. Hm who would be knocking on my door? I ask myself.  I go downstairs and look through the peep hole and see y/n. I unlock the door and leg her in. "Girl he's gonna kill me." Y/n says out of breath. "Ok first explain everything that happend." I say walking her upstairs back to my room to finish my makeup. "Ok so basically he was hard so I decided to suck him ya know?-" I cut her off. "So you're just going to start a sentence off by saying "He was hard so i decided to suck him off?" I ask. "Yes. Mind your business anyways, as I was about to frost just burst into the room so j covered me up or whatever. So i was like why don't I mess with him. So I did. I was sucking that dick while he was talking to frost. After frost left out the room j asked me why did I do that and I told him I was helping him out. Then he called me annoying, then I said "I know but you love me." And he has the nerves to say "Now I didn't say that." When i tell you j was gagged honey I mean that. So then I threw I pillow at him and we started to chase me around the house and boom now I'm here." Y/n finishes out of breath once again. "Okay, anyways do you wanna go out with me?" I ask. "Well I don't have my clothes here, and your skinner than me." Y/n says. "Babe, I can just take you to the mall." I say. "But I don't have money on me right now." Y/n says. "Don't worry about it." I say.  We head to my garage and we get in my red Mercedes and go to the mall.

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