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"WHY WAS HER SLUTTY CLOTHES IN YOUR ROOM!?" Harley yells. I see joker try to calm her down and he tells her not to worry about it. Eventually Harley ends up crying she's going to go to dead deadshots house, whoever that is and she stomps upstairs. "Is she always like that?" I ask. "Yes, but soon we won't have to worry about her." He say walking up to me and putting his hands on my shoulders.

Later as I'm sitting on the couch eating ice-cream I see joker about to leave out. "Where are you going?" I ask curiously. "Bank heist, I'll be back. Do not go anywhere, okay?" He tells me, I just nod my head in reply.
As he leaves out I get bored so I put a movie on and start to take down my braids. An hour or so later I'm half way finished and I decide to take a break and walk around the place since I've only been in 3 places in this giant ass place. I go up the stairs and walk down the long hall to see a room with tattoo station, I observe it for a little bit and decide I'll do I small tattoo on my hand with a heart on it. I go back downstairs on the couch and finish taking down my hair,once I was finished with my hair I went back up stairs in the shower in J's room and I wash my hair, then I cleaned up my mess. Obviously I'm not a messy person. I went to Harleys room and grabbed a hairdryer and flat irons to style my hair.

I heard the door open so I had to hurry up and I put the stuff back where I got it. "Y/N, IM BACKKK!" I hear J yell, I run down the steps to see him in the dining room. I hug I'm from behind and he turns around to see my hair. "I love what you did to your hair doll." He says with a slight smile. "Thank you, I wanted to do something different" I say smiling.

 "Thank you, I wanted to do something different" I say smiling

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(Heres some inspo⬆️ use it or not idc)

I was upstairs in J's room while he was working in his office. I hopped on tiktok and wanted to show my hair so I did a lipsync to a song called "what a life" by Jhené Aiko. I eventually got bored so I decided I'd go back in the tattoo room and give myself more, I gave myself a butterfly, some flowers and a jellyfish. I heard the door open behind me. "What are ya' doing in here doll?" I freeze up. "Um nothing..." I hear his footsteps behind me, I cover up my arm. "You can't hide it forever just let me see." He tells me. "Okay but promise you won't be mad at me" he rolls his eyes. "I promise just let me see it." I slowly reveal my arm to him and it just goes silent. "Are you mad?" I ask. He just continues to stare at my arm. "I need you to make me a tattoo, but not now I need your help with something..." I look at him confused. "Well I can help you with anything, what is it?"

He grabs my arm and leads me to his office and tells me to sit down. He turns his laptop towards me and it shows Harley,deadshot,killer croc and some other peoples mugshots. "I'm so confused what exactly is this?" He simply responds "it's bellareave, apparently it's a spot down in Louisiana and if your a bad enough badguy, you end up down there.... how come I'm not there?!" I look at him and sigh,"is that seriously your question?" He turns his laptop back around to face him and turns it off. He gets up and leaves the room. I follow him down the steps and he stops in the kitchen "what do you want y/n?" He asks agrivated. "W-well I thought you wanted help?" I tell him. "Well I do okay?! Just not now. Don't bother me anymore today, your going to sleep in the guest room, if you need something ask frost." I just nod.

After that situation with J i go in the guest room and close the door, I text my friend and tell her to meet me at the smile and grin club. I go in Harleys room and grab one of her outfits to wear to the club, it was a black mesh dress with ruffles. I also take some of her eyeshadow and eyeliner and do a smokey eye with an Egyptian eyeliner look. I grab her black lipliner and trace my lips filling in my top lip a little, I add a top coat of clear lipgloss and I call an uber. With only 20 minutes left I put of laxet heel boots on and put my hair in a half up half down, with a swoop and as I was telling frost I was leaving out he says "I can't let you do that." He tells me. "Um and why is that?" I ask. "Boss told me not to let you out the house." I suck my teeth. "Oh is that so, well... you can tell your boss that he doesn't control me, and if doesn't want me to go out, he will have to do something about himself. Now if you don't mind I have somewhere to be." I say as I exit the door.

As I'm at the club with my friend ae im getting a drink from the bar she spots one of her ex's and leaves me by myself. Welp, that's amazing not even 5 minutes with your best friend... I think to myself.  I finish my drink and I go back to dancing, I spot this guy coming towards me who was hot as fuck. He was a bit taller than me,he had dark brown hair, he wore glasses and his hair was slicked down and he was wear an all green. "Hi beautiful, what's your name?" He asks me. "Oh I'm y/n, what's your name?" He smiles and says "I'm edward, may I say you have a very pretty name, it's perfect for a pretty girl." I look at him and smile and we continue dancing.


Word count-1069

Kinda went brain dead at the end but ya.

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