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I woke up but I wasn't at selinas house... I was at J's house. How did I even get here? I ask myself. I shrug it off and get out of bed to go to J's office where he usually is. "Hi doll." He says not looking up from his computer screen. "How did I get here in the first place? Why did you take me?!" I ask frustrated. "Calm down, first of all I called Selina and picked you up. And second of all I have my reasons." He says nonchalantly. "Well that's not a good enough answer I was perfectly fine ya' know. I don't need a man saving me everytime I go out!" I shout. "Well you do!" He replies back. "Why? Tell me why I need protection!" He sighs. "Because yesterday when you weren't here Harley showed up trying to kill you. She's litteraly trying to hunt you down." I freeze not knowing what to say. I want to thank him for protecting me but I just can't seem to say it, it just won't come out. "Come here doll." He says pulling his chair back. I walk towards him and he pulls me on his lap. "Look I care for you that's the reason I'm doing all of this. You just have to trust me." I keep quiet for a while and lean my face in the crook of his neck. "I'm sorry..." I whisper quietly. He just keeps me on his lap and proceeds to do he office work as I slowly drift to sleep.

♤♠︎♤♠︎♤♠︎♤♠︎♤jokers P.O.V♤♠︎♤♠︎♤♠︎♤♠︎♤

As she falls asleep I take a quick minute to admire y/n's beauty. How could someone so pretty also be a pain in the ass? But I still lov- no I don't love her... do I? Maybe I do... I snap out of my gaze and continue my office work when frost comes in. "Hey boss i-" I cut him off Shh my dolls sleeping. "As I was saying I did some research and I found out that there's a whole chain of people being hunted down not just y/n. You already know Harley is hunting her but then we have catwoman being hunt down by posion ivy. Riddler is being hunted down by Victor zsasz. Penguin is being hunted down by two-faced. And finally scarecrow is being hunted by bane." He finishes. "Why exactly these people?" I ask. "Well I belive they are trying to start some sort of war. But I have a way we could probably get some people to stop and come to our side." He says. "Well don't sit there like an idiot tell me." I say. "So as you know y/n is friends with zsasz so she might be able to get him to calm it down and help us out. So then we also would have riddler on our side and we could out number them." "Okay you may leave now."

♡♥︎♡♥︎♡♥︎♡♥︎♡your P.O.V♡♥︎♡♥︎♡♥︎♡♥︎♡

I wake up in J's lap and he let's me up to go get int the shower I turn he light off and turn in the led lights. Obviously I put them on red. I grab my phone and play one of my favorite songs. Candy by doja cat. As I undress and get in the shower I hear the door open. "Yes j?" I ask. "When did you put up leds?" He asks leaning against the wall facing me. "Honestly I don't remember."I reply. As I continued to shower but his eyes just couldn't seem to leave my body. I rinse all the soap off my body and before I could turn the shower off he stops me. "You've been looking very good lately. Leave the shower on" I leave it on. "Why do I have to leave the shower on?" He smirks. "Because I'm about to fuck you." Oh okay.

⚠️smut warning⚠️

Welp I'm about to be sore as hell...  he takes his shirt off and DAMN that's a strong bitch. Under the red light his abs are just so toned and his sweatpants are sitting low enough so I can see his v-line. I roll my eyes I could have just came right then and there. As he finishes getting undress he get in the shower with me and pushes me on my knees. "You know what to do princess..." he says in a groggy voice with lust in his eyes as he looks down at me. I grab his length and circle my thumb over his tip collecting the pre-cum and suckling it off my finger as he groans. I align my lips with his cock and slowly push in deeper in my mouth as I pump the remainder that's I can't fit in my mouth with my hand. I keep eye contact with him and watch as he rolls his eyes back and tilts his head back. He tilts his head back up and grabs my head and guides me ate the pace he wants it making me gag and moan on his cock. "That's it, take it like the little slut you are." He said keeping that eye contact with me. I felt him twitch in my mouth signaling he was close.  He pulls out and demands me to stick my tongue out. I obey and he cuts all over my tongue. "Swallow." I swallow and stick my tounge out to show him. I stand up and he puts his finger in-between my wet folds. "Who made you this wet darling?" He asks me. "You did J!" "Good, nobody else is allowed to make you this wet." He guides me out the shower to the counter and sits me down as he lowers himself between my legs. He teases me by using his finger and hovering over my clit not applying any pressure. "S-stop teasing" he looks up at me. "Beg for it." "What?" He laughs. "You heard me whore. Beg.for.it." I shake my head. "Well if your not going to behave i guess I'll have to punish you. Get up and bend over the counter." I hop off and turn around and bend over. "Now since you wanna be a fucking brat I'm going to treat you like one." Without hesitation he shoves his dick inside of me not giving me time to adjust to his size. "Ohh fuckkk~" I whine out. "No words." He says speeding up his pace. My eyes roll to the back of my head as he grabs my hair and pulls it. (You got braids in so don't worry.) With his other hand he chokes me so im looking at him through the mirror. "Now this is the only time I'll allow you to speak. I'm going to spank you, you better count." I nod my head. Spank "o-one" Spank "two" Spank "f-fuck" I moan. "Nope restart." He says with a smirk. "W-what why?" I ask. "You didn't count like I told you to." "No please I promise I'll be a good girl, you don't need to punish me." I whine. "Hm okay." He says as he thrust harder in me. "Oh fuck I'm close!" I whine once again. He stops and pulls out of me. "Why did you stop? I really need to cum..." "I don't think I want you too." He says. "B-but-" he cuts me off. "No buts, I'll help you with the aftercare." I roll my eyes at him. "Was that attitude?" He asks. "Nope!"

After the after care I change into a crop top and some shorts. J just puts on some sweatpants. I go downstairs and pull up a brownie recipe on pintrest a prepare to make it. "Doll what are you making?" He says leaning against the counter. I just stare at him for a second then pickup my phone and show him. "Hm looks good." He says putting my phone back on the counter and wrapping his arms around my waist. "J, what are we?" He tilts his head to the side. "Well what do you want us to be?" He says lifting my chin up. "I want us to be partners for life." I say looking up at him. "Okay." He says leaning in to kiss me. I kiss him back and slightly moan into the kiss as he bites on my lip. "J stop your going to make me horny again." I say pulling away giggling.

35 minutes later I heard the oven ding. I get off the couch and grab the brownies out the oven. I cut them in squares and take a picture. I feel cold hands wrap around my waist. "I feel like Gordon Ramsey." I say proud of myself. I see his hand reach to grab one but I slap his hand. "Wait a minute." I say he pouts and looks very stupid doing it. I grab some ice cream out the freezer and put a scoop on top. Then I grab some chocolate chips and sprinkle it on there. Finally i grab some fudge and lay it on top.

 Finally i grab some fudge and lay it on top

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"Are you finished decorating the fucking brownie?" J asks. "Yes and I wasn't decorating I was adding more flavour." I state. "Whatever it looks like diabetes on a plate." He says. "Well you wanted to eat it." He grabs a brownie and eats it. He rolls his eyes back and I know I shouldn't get turned on but damn... "Earth to y/nn" I snap out the gaze. "S-sorry, what were you saying?" I ask. "Best diabetes I've ever had in my life." He says. I laugh and put the brownies in the refrigerator and we both go to bed.

Word count-1645

Think that was the most smut I've ever wrote in my life. And I've never made brownies so not to much.

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