『ch.5』date-night or not...

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After i woke up from my nap Edward wasn't there, but there was a box on my bed. I open it up to reveal a cute 2 piece outfit that was brown. It had a long skirt that had slits on the sides, and had a cute tube top that had sleeves. In the box it also had some brown heels. It also came with some makeup for me to put on.

I got changed in the outfit and I did my makeup, I did a brown eyeliner with a brown smokey eye. I added some lipgloss and did my hair with just a swoop leaving the rest down. I go downstairs to see Edward dressed up in the same color."W-Wow um you look beautiful..." Edward says blushing. "Thank you Ed, you don't look to bad yourself." He takes my hand and he leads me to his car and we start driving. "Hey Ed, where are we going?" He looks at me. "I can't  tell you just yet..." I just go along with it. We eventually stop and we're infront of a plane? "Surprise." He says smiling. "Wait are we... going on the plane?" I ask turning towards him. He just nods his head. "Oh my god Ed I love you!" I say squealing and kissing him. We break off the kiss and he's super red. He leads me on the plane and sits us down in this big ass seat like litterally infront of us is a part where we can extend it out to make it a bed,and there's a pull down TV. And on the armrest you can pull it out to make it a lapdesk.

2 hours later(writers block)

Ed wakes me up and he tells me we have 2 more hours left until we arive to our spot. "We should probably find a way to pass time..." he says tracing his finger up my thigh. "Well what did you have in mind?" I ask. "Oh i think you know what I have in mind..." he brings his finger up higher sliding in my skirt hovering over my underwear.

_________⚠️SMUT WARNING⚠️________

"Maybe I like that idea." I say under my breath.  He smirks a slides one finger inside of me making me gasp. "Oh your so wet love." He says pumping his finger in me. I try to talk but can't get a word out rolling my eyes to the back of my head. He slides another finger in making me tighten up. "Ed, I'm c-close!" I moan. "I know, go ahead and cum on my fingers love." I cum on his fingers and he licks them off. I go infront of him and get on my knees but he stops me. "Um what do you think your doing?" I just smile at him and put my hair in a ponytail. "Yeah I don't think so." I pout. "Well why not, I promise I'll do it really, really good" i say making circles on his leg. "God i can't say no to you." He slides his pants and boxers down revealing his hard length. I take my thumb and rub his tip teasing him. I them take my hands a start pumping them in a circular motion. I put my mouth on his length and I fit all I can in my mouth, I continue to pump the rest of it. He groans and throws his head back "Good girl, keep going your doing so good." He praises while whimpering. He pushes my head down forcing me to take more of him making me gag. I feel him twich in my mouth,I start going even faster making him cum in my mouth. "Swallow, I wanna see you swallow." I swallow then open my mouth to show him. "Good girl."

______________end of smut______________

Ed tells me we have 20 minutes left so I decide to take another nap. He woke me up and leads me off the plane which shows a beautiful view of the beach. "Ed this is beautiful but you never told me what exactly your doing..." he rolls his eyes. "You'll see just wait" a car pulls up and after we get in just pulls off. This is kinda sketchy,but maybe I'm just to worried. We arive to this house we walk in and I tell Ed I'm going to the bathroom. As soon as i close the door to the bathroom a gas fills the room and everything goes black.

Jokers P.O.V

"So, you did what I asked?" I ask Nygma "Yup they should be bringing her down right about now." As he says that one of my goons has her in his arms bringing her down. I sit her in the chair and handcuff her and wait for her to wake up. After about 20 minutes she wakes up. "Hey sleepy head, started to think you were dead." I say cackling "No this can't be right, Ed was taking me on a date, where is he?!" She says. "Right here sweetheart." Nygma says coming from behind me. "Ed really, what about what happend on the plane. Did that mean nothing?" Nygma laughs "Oh I was just messing with you, all part of the plot." I look back at y/n and notice her facial expression, for a second I feel bad for her but I shouldn't. "Well thanks Nygma all your work is done,I can handle it from here." I say handing him a brief case full of money. "Thank you." He says as he walks out the door. "Now back to you,do you know why I made Nygma bring you here?" She shakes her head no. "It's because I don't like people touching what's mine." I tell her. "What do you mean, it's not like we're dating or something, you can't just go around saying stuff is yours, that's not how it works." She says clearly frustrated. "Look, I know your mad at me but I-" I cut myself off, I can't tell her those three big words. I can't tell her I love you. I can't say it to her yet. "You have every right to be mad at me but please, let me fix this." She rolls her eyes. "Fine, but you mess it up again and it's over." Really saved myself there. "Now, can you come to bed with me?" I ask her "I mean I really don't have a choice do i?" She ask as I un-cuff "Nope." I say. "Okay sure." She says, we go upstairs in the room, she's taking all of her makeup off and changing in some clothes I gave her. Jeez, I really love this girl... she gets in the bed with me and we fall asleep.

Word count-1139

Plot twist? Anyways I was thinking about adding a new character but idk...

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