『ch.14』messing around

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Jokers P.O.V

Why hasn't she been answering my calls? Who is she with? The last person I've seen her with was Selina, maybe she can tell me where she is. I grab my phone and call Selina to ask where she is. "Hello?"  "Hey Selina let's say I have a little problem, ya see I can't find y/n and-" I cut myself because I hear a laugh that sounds oddly familiar. Them I hear Selina shush whoever was laughing. "Are you with y/n right now?" I ask out of curiosity.  "N-no but if I see her i'll let you know, bye!" Selina quickly says and hangs up the phone. Hm odd.

Your P.O.V

"Welp... Apparently he's looking for you, guess he feels bad?" Selina says. "Bitch please he was fucking Harley, and now he feels bad yeah right." I say with a laugh. "You know what I wanna mess with him a bit." I say. "Hm and how exactly do you plan on doing that?" Selina asks curiously. "I'll just facetime him." I simply say. "Well what about the hickeys and stuff-" I cut her off. "That's the point. Then he'll get all mad asking where I'm at, it'll just be entertainment." I tell her ask I grab my phone and facetime Joker. And he automatically answers.

"Where have you been- Is that a hickey?!" He asks angrily. "I don't know what your talking about, I don't even see one." I say as I tilt my head to the side giving him a full view of my neck which had tons of hickeys and marks. "Ohhh I get it, just because I had talked to Harley makes you think you can go with some guy?" Joker asks. "Who said it was a guy?" I say putting Selina in the frame. "Yeah and she fucked me good." I say with a sarcastic smile as I hang up laughing. "Well I should probably take you home now." Selina suggest. I nod my head and grabbing my purse and heading down to her garage.

15 minutes in the drive I speak up. "How much do you bet he's going to tell Bruce?" I ask her. "I doubt it, 1,000." She says. "Alright bet." I say as I enjoy the ride.

Jokers P.O.V

I sat on my couch in the middle of my room drinking a bottle of whiskey. She was going to drive me more insane then I am now if I couldn't find her. I heard the door open but I think nothing of it. I hear the door open and I glance over to see y/n. I quickly get up and pin her to the wall choking her. "Where the fuck have you been hm? You think it's okay just to leave me, you must've forgotten who I am and what I've did for you. But how could I forget you were a stripper who's a whore." I say letting her go and laughing. "Now correct me if I'm wrong but didn't you fuck Harley? I mean if anything she's a walking STD but that's not my business." Y/n says shrugging. "That's different." I tell her. "Please tell me how that's different. PLEASE DO!" She yells. "It was for business, that's it." She just laughs to herself and walks out the room.

Your P.O.V

I go into the guest bedroom I used to sleep in and slam the door shut. I decide to take a bath to relax myself and I call Selina to tell her everything that happened. "No your joking!" She says. "Yes he really choked me like what the fuck, so anyways he lectured me a little called me a whore you know and not to mention he was drinking whiskey. Straight out the bottle." "Whiskey is for old people..." She says. "I know but that's besides the point, then he said fucking Harley was for business. So I just laughed and walked out the room." I tell her. "That's just messed up in all type of ways, but if you need me just call me." She says. "Okay bye girly." I say as I hang up. I get out the bath and put on some shorts and a sports bra. I just lay in the bed questioning my life. I then decide I'm going to do my makeup because why not. I find a makeup look I've never done before and attempt to do it, I put some music on to get in the vibe and it's mainly me playing rodeo my lil nas x on repeat. The makeup is almost like a 90's grunge. I shave my eyebrows so they are super thin and I add a slit because I wanted to. Then I add black eyeliner to my water lines and ad a little all around my eyes. I take some black eyeshadow on my finger and just rub it over my eyes. Then I take a little grey eyeshadow to lighten the outside then bam finished with my eyes. I outline my lips with black and use a black gloss over them. I finally finish adding a little contour to my jaw and cheekbones.

Feeling good I take some pictures for my Instagram and post some lip syncing videos on TikTok. A dance pops up on my fyp and I learn it pretty quickly and I do it because why not? "There she go she go I ain't talking Kim possible.." I mumble to myself as I do the dance. After I post the video it blows up and I laugh reading the comments. After a minute Joker bust in the room. "What do you want?" I ask him. He just stares at me for a second. "What is this?" He asks. "Its a TikTok?" I say. "I don't like it, delete it." He says nonchalantly. "But why, I'm confused?" I say getting irritated. "Because your twerking in the video, delete it." Hearing his reason why I just laugh. "I don't understand what's funny." He says with a snarl. "See I don't think you understand, I don't care what you like or don't like, it's my TikTok, I do what I want simple." I say and he just exits the room closing the door. "Pfft what I thought."

20 minutes later I'm in the kitchen getting a snack and I get a text. I pick up my phone to see who it's from. "I'd like to see you do that on something else." Is all that joker send me. 'What the hell?' i say to myself. I go up to his room and open the door. "What did you mean in that text?" I ask him as he lays in his bed. "Oh nothing." He says but his tone says otherwise. "Well it obviously meant something." I say. "I told you its nothing." He says with a smirk. "And take those shorts off I don't like them." He says as I leave the room. "Nope!" I say closing the door and heading to my bedroom.

Once I get back to my room I take my makeup off and I lay in my bed. While I watch a movie and I get ANOTHER text from J. 'what does he want?' I click it and see a picture of J in the shower of his abs and v-line. 'damn...'  I save the picture to my phone cause who wouldn't? I decide to match his energy and just send him an arch picture. Nothing crazy. 5 minutes later I go to his room and sit next to him in his bed. "You finally decide to come see me without an attitude?" He asks. I just roll my eyes cause I can't argue with him right now. He lays down in his bed with his sweatpants sitting low on his waist as the top of his boxers show with his hair still being wet. "So you come in my room to give me the silent treatment?" He asks. "No but let's talk about that picture you sent me." I say to him. "I could say the same thing about you." He says not facing me. "Hm didn't think you got the picture." I say a little shocked. "Oh trust me doll, I got it alright. But do you get it yet?" He asks me. "What are you talking about?" I ask. "You'll get it eventually." He says with a low laugh. "Whatever." I say getting up. Suddenly his arm wraps around my waist. "Your staying right here." He says pulling me next to him. "You get on my nerves did you know that?" I ask. "You get on my nerves 24/7 but I still put up with you don't I?" He asks. I just nod my head. "Exactly, and your not leaving me." He says as he grabs my face to look at him. "Right?" He asks. "I suppose." I say rolling my eyes. "No, I need a yes." He demands. I sigh. "Yes."I say. "Good." He says as he goes back to watching the TV and I slowly fall asleep on his chest.


Word count-1525

Yeah I'm back y'all, I'll try to upload every other day until school starts.

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