『ch.11』trauma pt.2

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He pulled my dress up almost ripping it as he forcefully bent me over."SELINA HELP!" I started to yell as his dick scrape my inside. He continued to thrust harder in me making me cry even more.

"Doll, doll. Wake up." J says shaking me. I jot up with tears flowing down my face. "I-i felt. It's like it's happening again. I didn't want it i swear.." I say grabbing his shoulders. "Shh I know you didn't." I continue laying in his arms until I fall back to sleep.

When I woke back up J was still sleep so I slowly get out of the bed trying not to wake him up. I put my headphones in and headed to the bathroom to do my morning routine, well it was like 12 but same thing. It was pretty dark and gloomy outside so I played my playlist that consisted of After dark by Mr.kitty, Sweater weather by The neighborhood, Bang Bang Bang Bang by Sohodolls and Transgender by crystal castles to name a few songs.(recommend these songs, I love them.) After I got finished brushing my teeth and stuff I went and did my hair. I did a half up half down with a swoop in the front without edges cause I was wayyy to tired to do them.

I didn't do any makeup because I wasn't going anywhere important today. When I walked out the bathroom I didn't see J on the bed which was a little odd. I walked to his office and still he's not there. I check every single room before heading downstairs into the living room and I don't see him. Where did he go? I ask myself. I step in the kitchen and he's just not there. I run back upstairs and grab my phone to call him and I feel hands cover my mouth and something being injected in my arm.

•○•○•○•○•○•○•??? P.O.V•○•○•○•○•○•○•○•

I heat my phone ringing and I pick it up. "I got her boss." "Good, bring her to me." I say and hang up the phone. God how come she didn't recognize me at the club? Girls these days am I right? I say to myself.

♤♠︎♤♠︎♤♠︎♤♠︎♤jokers P.O.V♤♠︎♤♠︎♤♠︎♤♠︎♤

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHES GONE!?" I yell at my goons. "I-i don't know sir we checked all around the house and she's not here." He tells me. "I was gone for 5 MINUTES and she's gone." I storm up to my office and check the security footage. "That son of a bitch." I mumble to myself i knew who had her. And now I'm going to get her.

♡♥︎♡♥︎♡♥︎♡♥︎♡your P.O.V♡♥︎♡♥︎♡♥︎♡♥︎♡

As I start to wake up my vision blurry as hell. I start to focus and I see "EDWARD!?" I yell extremely confused. "Hi, see I knew you'd be happy to see me!" He says like a fucking psychopath. "No the fuck I'm not!" I say in the same pitch as him. "Ugh fine, if your not happy I'll make you happy." He says rolling his eyes. "Well what do you mean by tha-" I was cut off to a slap on my face that burned. "Don't talk unless I ask you to." He says in a "demanding" voice. "Yeahh no." I respond. "You can't me do something I don't wanna do." I add. "Well I'll make you." He says. "Yo what the fuck you mean?!" I ask. "Oh you'll see." He says with a slight smirk he says taking the handcuffs off of me and throwing me over his shoulder. "WOAH I DONT PARTICIPATE IN SUCH ACTIVITIES!!" I shout kicking my legs. "Oh shut up already." He says dropping me on his bed and handcuffing me to the headboard.

⚠️rape warning⚠️

Haha, this is a good time to have a J buss the door open... i think myself.  He starts to rip my clothes off and I feel my eyes start to water. It feels like it's happening again. God I wish J was here. "Crying like a pussy are you?" He says roaming his hands all over my body. "I bet it's reminding you of what happened not to long ago." He says smiling. I furrowed my eyebrows. "Wh-what are you talking about?" "Oh so you don't know what I'm talking about? At the club? Yeah I know that happend. That was one of my men I sent there to do that." He says casually. My jaw is dropped. "Why would you do tha-" I was cut off once again with a slap. "Because I wanted to you leave me to live this perfect life with him. IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE US AGAINST THE WORLD!" He shouts at me. I flinch a little knowing he set all of that up. He takes his dick out and forces it inside of me. "Owwww!" I yelp. It didn't feel pleasurable at all. It just burned. I could feel him scratching my insides. "I'm going make you pregnant and he can't do anything about it." He says while panting which wasn't attractive at all. "NO PLEASE STOP!" I scream. My throat was hurting from all the screaming I was doing. The last thing i wanted was to be pregnant from him.

♤♠︎♤♠︎♤♠︎♤♠︎♤jokers P.O.V♤♠︎♤♠︎♤♠︎♤♠︎♤

I pulled up to where her tracker led me and I had my men buss the door open. I had them all split up to find her. I needed to find her. after about 5 minutes I hear one of my men yell "Boss she's in here!" I quickly go to where I heard him yell and buss the door open. I see nygma on top of y/n as shes handcuffed. I quickly push nygma off of her and tell my men to put him somewhere. I grab the key that was on the nightstand and uncuff the handcuff. She reaches up and grabs me tightly. "H-he said he was going to get me pregnant, please don't let that happen to me." She says crying in my arms. "I promise I won't let that happen." I can't stand to see her like this. Whenever I see her crying it make my chest feel weird I can't explain it but it's something I've never felt before. I gave her my coat since the idiot ripped all of her clothes off. I carried her to my car and drove her home. I'll get to nygma later.

♡♥︎♡♥︎♡♥︎♡♥︎♡your P.O.V♡♥︎♡♥︎♡♥︎♡♥︎♡

I woke up in J's bed with some sweatpants and one of my graphic tee's on. I speed-walk down to Js office where I'd knew he'd be and sit on his lap and give him a hug. "Thank you." I mumble in his chest. "Your welcome doll" He says rubbing my back. After a minute or two I get off his lap and grab my phone. "Where are you going?" J asks me. "Nowhere, why?" I ask. "No reason." He replies. I just shrug it off and go downstairs to the kitchen to make some food because it comforts me. I play some lady gaga casue why not. I decide I wanna make some seafood boil cause I haven't had any in a longgg time. "Fuckkk. I don't got the lobster, crab, craw fish or none of that." I run upstairs to J's office. "Babyyyy can you take me to the market, I need some sea food." I ask him. He rolls his eyes "fine." Sassy ass I go put some crocs on throw my hair in a quick ponytail. I walk to the garage and he's already waiting in the car. "Took you long enough." He says. "Well excuse me sassy pants." He rolls his eyes and does the 'Talk to the hand' motion. "Like I said." After a while he turns to me and asks. "Can you do something for me?" "Yeah anything, what is it?" I ask "Well you see there there's this war happening against different people and I'm included. So what I need you to do is get you little friend zsasz to help me out, can you do that for me?" He asks. "Uh yeah!" I say. "Good~" He purrs. God I loveee when he does that purr sound. It's so addictive.

I get all of the stuff I need like the lobster, crab, craw fish, corn, shrimp and potatoes.

----time skip

After I was done making my seafood boil I made tons so I gave some to the men who were working. And J had a little bitch fit that I gave his men food. "Well they could've cooked themselves." He says rolling his eyes. "Well I cooked to much so I decide to give them some, its called being nice. You should try it." I say with a sarcastic smile.  "Y'know one day being rude is gonna catch up to you." I pause. "Hold up, I offer your men my food and you say I'm being rude. Yeah mmhm." I say with an eye roll. His hand trails up my chest all the way up to my neck at he chokes me lightly. "Drop the attitude right now." He says demandingly. "Yes sir..." I mumble. He just removes his hand and laughs. "Okay let's go to bed now." I say. "Why? I'm not sleepy." He says pouting like a child. "Oh come on already." I said dragging him upstairs. When we get in his room and I take sweatpants off and hop in the bed. "Well are you gonna stand there like an idiot or what. I mean it's the perfect time to sleep. It's raining outside, the bed is the perfect temperature I mea-" he cuts me off. "Okay I heard you lady." He says getting on the bed. "I mean I won't be able to go to sleep sooo-" I cut him off. "If you wanna lay on my chest to sleep just say that." He smiles like an idiot and lays on my chest. He falls asleep in 2 minutes.


Word count-1701

I've been working on this for like 4-5 days😭

Also thank you sooo much on the reads at first I couldn't find how much I had(I'm a lil slow) but I'm just shocked from how good I'm going. So thank all of you that have been reading🩶

Anyways byeeee♡♡♡

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