Chapter 1

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Not much can be said about Thorne Corporation except the fact that every employee had signed a contract for being the best that are expected to be.

Loyal, responsible, hardworking, aware and most of all, secured. Those were only the top five requirements that I could remember from the list of core values.

The darker the ID card, the more powerful the persons are and respect is given to them by just acknowledgment.

I had white, and it reflects so much that it is seen through the darkness as if it was designed that way to give away our positions if we're hiding.

If the tracking devices embedded inside wasn't enough. We had to use this one ID to get through everything except restricted areas. The fear of getting shot at kept us away from there.

We're in a form off prison but the pay was worth it.

Money is the root of everything, not just evil.

Thorne Corporation is sea deep in security, research and technology. As the property takes up acres of land that they only used twenty percent for building purpose.

Three of that ten percent is for housing, as many employees tends to be immigrants or even guests. Seeing as for my orientation we were all told that there are one of every citizen from every country of this world that is in attendance. They even grouped us by language to make it easier to communicate.

I don't believe them as gossips do spread.

Often times I would be awoken by the sound of helicopters or small aircrafts. Either on the roofs or the helipad in the courtyard, and the small airport they had in the distance.

How I came is by plane, as the whole area is surrounded by forests.

The exact location was unknown at first but here I am living and working somewhere in Africa.

We couldn't even bring our phones, but we thankfully had company issued ones that came with even more restrictions.

Social media was the biggest restriction, for this is a strict government property.

An how I got this job?

Through links with the Jamaican government, my neighbor trusted me enough to offer me this opportunity. Neither he nor my father liked the path I was going in life.

I didn't choose it. My life was on the line.

Living off the bank of mommy and daddy was fine by them as I'm their only child. The problem was the company I keep.

Being friends with a group of strangers that travels so much, I was now on my second passport with barely any pages left. That was also okay.

The issue was my safety.

One individual leaked our list of destinations and I didn't find out until my neighbor, who I call Uncle Luke had sent security to bring me home safely.

His son Matthew is an hacker, working with the Jamaican government. He sees me as a little sister, so getting me out of trouble without me knowing it wasn't the first time he saved my ass.

It's just that they saved my life from being taken as hostage. It didn't stop the trauma as I've grown to start being aware of my surroundings and it's people.

I was only targeted by creepy men with an intention to rape me or do their worst. My social media, I quickly disabled and settled for a life of solitude.

Still, my past was lurking.
Walking out of the research department, I had my earphone in but my eyes on the lookout for higher ups.

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