Chapter 11

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"How can you be so irresponsible ? Do you know how it feels for the patient? Don't make a mistake again by attending me while checking a patient, especially while checking her private parts. Try to be responsible for once" I gulped down my saliva while waking up. This is going to be so embarrassing for me. Why embarrassing? He must have seen many women's private part. And him looking at me with those eyes... huh...

I opened my eyes to see a very angry Justin. He is fuming in anger. I am sure of that. But what is he doing in our bedroom.

Seeing me wake up Justin cut the call, not even listening from the other side. One part of me feels that whatever he did was absolutely right.

Think about your doctor talking to some one on call while checking your private part. That must be so embarrassing for her.

He walked towards me and told me "Alex had an emergency call. He told me the surgery will take almost nineteen hours. So get changed, we have to go to the hospital. Every one of them have gone". I nodded. He walked away and closed the door.

Without waiting for any more embarrassing moments, I freshen up fast. Justin had asked the maid to make me something hot, so that I will feel much better in the cold weather.

He is so thoughtful of you Van. You should never be scared of him.

It's not that I am not intentionally scared of him. Whenever I look at his eyes, something from me goes away. I don't know what is that... I know he don't hate me. But just...

"Van... what are you thinking?" Justin's voice bought me back from my deep thoughts.

We are now walking through the hallways of the hospital. Only god knows where we are heading to.

"Nothing... I was just thinking" I told him walking along with him.

"About what ? is my question Van" now who is having his mood swings. I unknowingly smile.

Before I could reply, a woman in wheelchair with her husband I suppose, came to us. She was smiling to Justin and he was doing the same, he smiled at her, I hate it. Why? I shouldn't feel so. He knelt down in front of her and held her hands and asked her "how are you feeling today?"

"Much better. Just the stitches hurts" she told him in baby voice. Huh! how much I hate this.

Am I feeling jealous here. Am I supposed to feel one. I don't know. I don't know is it just my jealousy towards him showing that pretty smile to her and not to me.

"Who is this?" She asked pointing to me with a pout. I couldn't resist myself from saying "I am his sister".

Justin looked at me with amusement in his eyes. Before I could change thinking I said was a mistake, she asked him "is it true?" With her not so sweet voice.

"I don't think so" she looked at him.

"Yes, she is my sister. One and only" he told her with pure care for me in his eyes. He stood up and stand beside side hugging me.

"Ooo, ok. I was just wondering." She told him awkwardly and looked at me again.

"Van. When did you came?" Came the question of Sam coming from PICU I suppose with his signature smile.

"I just came with Justin" I told him and gave a nervous smile. He narrowed his eyebrows at me before looking at the drama going on. I hope I am not wrong thinking it as a drama.

Sam came towards us.

"Hey Dr. Sam. Long time no see" she told him with her fake pout. Huh I should study boxing more. So that I can smash her head into pieces.

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