Chapter 16

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Everything went well. Thank god. It has been almost week since everything happened. If all of the brothers were not protective earlier, they are now. No, in my opinion, they are double over protective now.

Tom seems different though. He always calls me every classes. He makes sure I am fine. If he can't contact me due to emergency, he will make sure, somebody does calls me.

Today Tom will drop me in college. Alexa is also coming with us, we will drop her off at school first and then he will drop me off at my college.

After dropping Alexa home Tom is taking me to college. I haven't been to college for many days. I haven't gone to college after the incident.

To be frank I am scared to go to college. What will people ask me? What if they already know. My friends are cut the friendship with me, I know that very well.



"Van. Are you ok?" Tom asked me.

"Yah. I am fine" I told him.

"What I despise the most is when someone lie to me" He held a strong grip on the steering. His veins are popping out.

I cleared my throat and thought not to anger him than he already is.

"I am scared" I told him looking down at my sweat hands.

"Nothing to be scared about. No one is going to lay a finger on you. And I will make sure of that. You are not going to face the same issue you had. You have your brothers to protect you" he patted my shoulder. As if he is encouraging me.

It is helping me well though. 😌

Eventhough he has a tough face, he is a teddy bear.

"I am not a teddy bear" he told me and cleared his throat.

Oh god.

"You are blushing" I told him containing my laughter.

"No, I am not" he looked at the door with an awkward hand gesture.

"But your ears says otherwise. It is red as tomato" and that was it, everything broke and we are laughing.

We are both laughing. He is laughing too. 😃

"We are here, Van. Don't forget what I said" he dropped me off. And without saying anything he left from there.

Car ride till here was beautiful, but getting inside is not an easy task.

"What are you waiting for? Walk" Seb gave me his famous smile. And I sighed giving my smile.

"Here you got that smile" he side hugged me and we both laughed walking to the class.

On the way to the class I saw some students smoking.

I turned my head to Seb and asked him "have you ever smoked?"

He looked at me briefly and told me "no I didn't. It is not good for our body and of course I don't have tolerance for that" he winked at me making me nod.

I thought of an idea. I always wanted to try it.

"Don't even think of trying it. That wont be good for you. The brothers will never let you go out alone. I am sure of that. And they won't believe in us. So please don't. Ok?" I nodded and we walked to our class.

I am sure that I will try it once in my life. I want to feel it. I want that smoke to go in through my mouth and come out through my nose. And wanted to play with that .

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