💜~𝓐 𝓽𝓻𝓾𝓮 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓼 𝓴𝓲𝓼𝓼...~💚

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This chapter is gory, and brutal, if you are not okay with this, skip to the end of the chapter.

^ Also the art above is by Kanae ^

....It's a peaceful Saturday evening. It's very peaceful....

( Cyno POV: )

He's walking through a large masked party at a mansion not that far from Tighnari's college, undercover to see if anyone is being suspicious. His pistol is covered by a jacket. (he got the Neuvilette drip+ fancy Mask+ fancy styled af hair) As he walks through the party, with a monotone voice, and a calm demeanor. His auburn eyes only show slightly through his mask.

He sees mainly two people whispering, and he sees them leave, but not through the main exit, and chooses to follow them. He takes his pistol, and hides behind a wall, as he hears them talk about stealing something, and then hears them running. He sneakily follows them, and his footsteps don't make a sound. He then ducks behind a door, and when one walks out to guard the other, he grabs them, and puts a hand over their mouth, to muffle their calls for help. He slits their throat easily with a knife, and throws the body off the balcony after checking for keys, which he found.

The other spy spots him and shoots him, but Cyno, well trained, dunks out of the way, jumping from a bookshelf to behind the spy, kicking them in the back of the neck, making them fall to the ground, half unconscious.

'How many of you are there. Answer me.'
'What do they look like.'
'They are w-wearing outfits like us sir...'

Cyno snaps the man's neck, and kicks him off the balcony aswell. He then wipes the blood off his boots, and walks back down to the main party, where there is screaming, cuz the other spies attacked. Cyno shoots the one that is standing on the table, and he falls to the ground, dead.

A woman slashes at his leg with a knife, making a large gash on his calf, and tries to kick him, but he punches her in the chest, and ties her up with a rope. the other man tries to run, but Cyno shoots him in the heart, and he falls to the floor, also dead. Everyone is surprised, but thankful...Suddenly a loud gunshot is heard, and cyno feels a sharp pain in his shoulder. He was shot.. He looks torwards the person that shot him, and everyone screams, thinking Cyno is done for.

Instead, he laughs, and points his loaded pistol at the person with the rifle, which freezes, knowing they can't load the gun by the time cyno shoots them. Cyno pulls the trigger, and shoots the spy, his arm is shaky, and he hits their neck, and they load it, and shoots his leg, but it dodges, and shoots the person in the head, killing them.

Everyone in the party cheers, and Cyno walks to the balcony, and jumps off, landing silently on the soft grass. His hair is stained with blood, as is his suit and mask. He takes off the mask, and snaps it in half, his shoulder throbbing with pain.

He quickly walks over to the college, and jumps over the wall that surrounds it, and sits on a bench, bandaging the gash on his leg. He knows that he can't bandage his shot shoulder alone, so he waits for Kuni to arrive, but is instead met with Tighnari, who is horrified that Cyno is so hurt.

( Tighnari POV: )

'CYNO!? Oh my archons are you okay!?' - He runs over to Cyno, and furiously half takes off his shirt to get the bullet out of his shoulder. He picks at it, and manages to pick the bullet out, and it falls to the ground. Cyno is wincing in pain, and Tighnari tries his hardest not to hurt Cyno while bandaging his wound.

'What happened!?'
'Just a small fight...Don't- Don't worry...im fine.'
'Where else are you bleeding? Oh my archons...Your hurt all over! You call this a small fight!?'
'Its not that bad...'
'You're right. You could be dead. No one wants that.'
'Cyno. Don't you give be a damn suicidal thought or I will slap you.'

Cyno chuckles, and Tighnari can't believe he's laughing when he could've died.

'Cyno...Please take this seriously... You could've died!'
'Pft...I know.'
'Then why are you laughing!? Does life mean anything to you?'
'Of course. I used to get hurt worse than this. It's because I didn't have anything to fight for.'
'I have something to fight for now.'

Cyno takes Tighnari's hand and squeezes it, and Tighnari's cheeks get hot.

'What's that..'

Cyno leans closer.

Me? WAIT! I'm the thing he's fighting for!?
Tighnari blushes a deep red, and finishes bandaging Cyno's shoulder.

Tighnari hugs Cyno, careful to avoid the cuts on his chest, and his shoulder. Cyno hugs him, and pulls him close, even if he winces a bit. Tighnari's ears are down, and his tail is curled around Cyno's leg a bit. 'Cyno...please be careful...I don't want to loose you...' Tears sting at his eyes.

'I would never pumpkin.'
'I- Um...you like plants...?'

Tighnari laughs, and Cyno's cheeks flush a bit from embarrassment.

'I like that nickname.'
'I'm glad, because I'm never gonna stop calling you that.'
'Now you need one.'
'Oh no..'
'What do you mean "Oh no." ?'

Tighnari laughs more, and Cyno chuckles.

'Fine, I wont give you one if you are so against it.' Tighnari nuzzles into Cyno's chest subconsciously. Cyno pets his ears, and Tighnari purrs softly.

'Oh. My. Archons.' Hu Tao is standing at the entrance of the dorms, her hand to her mouth, and her eyes wide. 'HAHA! XIAO OWES ME SO MUCH MONEY!!!' She takes a picture, and takes off running, leaving Cyno laughing, and Tighnari bright red.

Tighnari feels faint from embarrassment, and covers his face, as Cyno winces from laughing so hard.


He faints from embarrassment, and Cyno catches him.

( mini Cyno POV for the end of the chapter: )

Ah...shit he fainted.

A idea strikes like a lightbulb in Cyno's head, and his cheeks get warm. He sighs, and pulls Tighnari's mildly limp body onto his lap, and kisses him.

He can feel Tighnari stir, then jump when he comes too fully. Tighnari melts into the kiss, and Cyno know Hu Tao is taking pictures.

He doesn't care anymore.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!!!! I had a lot of fun writing it

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Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!!!! I had a lot of fun writing it. (I enjoy writing gore and violence idk.) I may or may not in the next chapter make them official. No spoilers tho, cuz idek what imma write. The next chapter might take a while to get out. Love ya! Kuni out! ~ <3

~1104 words :D

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