💚~𝓕𝓪𝓵𝓵𝓮𝓷 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝔂𝓸𝓾...~💜

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( Cyno POV: )

Cyno had put Tighnari to bed, and is sitting beside him, as Tighnari's head is laying in his lap as he purrs softly, content. Cyno is listening to Hu Tao talk about something, but he is is somewhat zoned out, since he is listening to Tighnari's purrs. Cyno moves his hand to gently stroke Tighnari's ears, and Tighnari purrs louder, making Cyno smile.

'Are you even listening?' Hu Tao interrupts his thoughts, and snaps a few times next to his ear, startling him. 'Huh...?' - Cyno looks at her with a blank expression.

' I asked what books you read dummy. Romance? Sci-fi? Whatever it is that makes you be at the library so much. '

Cyno pauses. He often uses the library as an excuse to go do assassin missions. But he can't just tell her that.

'Romance.' - He speaks, not lying, since he does enjoy romance novels. 'Jeez. Is that why you're such a charmer?' - Hu Tao laughs. 'Maybe.' Cyno's eyes sparkle at Hu Tao's humor.

He looks back down at Tighnari, and starts to gently stroke his ears again. Tighnari purrs louder again, and this makes Cyno smile. Tighnari shifts a bit, and reaches out for Cyno's hand, which when he grabs ahold of it, holds onto it tightly. Cyno smiles, and uses his free hand to pet Tighnari slightly, which makes him relax a little.

'How come you can just pet him? I've tried, and each time, he shrinks away like I just punched him.' Hu Tao sounds intrigued, and jumps down from her bunk, landing softly next to Cyno.

'You have to pet him gently, and be calm. Fennecs are very sensitive, and their ears even more. You can easily send a shock through them by being too rough.' - As Cyno gently strokes Tighnari's ears, Hu Tao nods. 'Ohhh. So you have to be calm, and gentle. And not overwhelm him, im guessing '

Cyno nods, and continues to stroke tighnari's ears, making him purr even more.

'Cyno?' Hu Tao interrupts his thoughts.

'Yes?' - Cyno pauses, and looks at her. 'Do you like him?' Hu Tao raises an eyebrow, as Cyno's eyes widen.


'I-' - Cyno's cheeks instantly flush a deep red, and he looks down at Tighnari, avoiding Hu Tao's gaze. 'Yes, I suppose I do.'

'He's head over heels with you. He won't stop talking about your eyes too.'

Huh. Head over heels. I suppose i am too.

'Hm.' Cyno is quiet, and thinking. His cheeks are a pale rose, and he is cooled down from the previous question. 'You know anything else?' If there was one thing Cyno was good at, it's getting information. And that's just what he got.

'Oh, I sure do. He talks about you in his sleep sometimes..he even goes to the cafe you work at, just to see you.'

Cyno's cheeks deepen in their colour, and he strokes Tighnari's ears, making him purr even more than before, Tighnari then stirs, but Cyno doesn't notice.

'Hey Cyno?' Hu Tao interrupts his thoughts, and Cyno turns to her. 'Do you actually like Tighnari?'

At this question, Tighnari is half awake, and blushing, but Cyno is still oblivious. 'No.' Both Tighnari, and Hu Tao's hearts sink at this.

'I love him.'

Hu Tao's eyes light up. 'Really?' Cyno strokes Tighnari's ears. 'Mhm~...'

'YESSSSS!' Hu Tao yells triumphantly, fully waking up Tighnari, who sits up with a jolt(still on Cyno's lap, I remind you). 'Oww- Tao my ears...' his ears go back a bit, but Cyno gently pets them, and he snuggles back into Cyno's chest, purring softly.

Tighnari lays his head on cyno's upper chest, (muscles. And i regret nothing.) And Cyno continues to gently carress his ears.

( Hu Tao POV: )

Huh. They really do like eachother. Makes me feel single. Need me a freak like that. Wait...I have an idea.

She smiles mischievously, and she can hear Cyno groan. 'Hey, you two gays. You two gonna be offical anytime soon?'

Cyno seemingly chokes on thin air, and starts to cough nonstop, his cheeks flushing, while Tighnari turns beet red, his ear pressing against his head.

'WHAT THE HELL!?' - Tighnari swats her, and she falls over, laughing so much her chest hurts.

'Its a real question!' Hu Tao manages to speak through giggles, holding her chest, as tears of laughter brim at her eyes.

Cyno finally manages to stop coughing, and glares at her, but takes a deep breath. 'Honestly, it's uo to Nari.' Tighnari looks at him, his face deepening in its colour again. 'Y-YOU!'

'What? She asked a question, so I'm answering it. Also you are sitting on my lap, so I think she has a point.' Cyno smiles smugly now, his redness cooling.

Tighnari slightly buries his face in Cyno's chest, trying to hide his red face.

'Well?' - Hu Tao pressures him a little, knowing his answer, but wanting to actually hear him say it.

'I-If Cyno w-wants to...I'm fine with i-it...' Tighnari's voice is shaky, but he tries to steady his breathing, and calm himself down. Cyno pets his ears, and Tao sees a shiver down Tighnari's spine.

'I do.' Cyno's auburn eyes sparkle, and he gently takes Tighnari's chin, to see his eyes.

'kisskisskisskisskisskisskiss' Hu Tao chants, and Cyno chuckles. He kisses Tighnari gently, and Hu Tao braces herself so she doesn't scream happily.

'So you two are offical now?' Hu Tao asks as they seperate, and Tighnari lays his head on Cyno's chest.

'Yes.' Cyno strokes his ears.


( Cyno POV: )

He chuckles as Hu Tao squeals with joy. He hears her get up, run to get her keys and run out the door, probably to go tell the others.

When Tighnari grabs his chin, his cheeks immediately flush, and when Tighnari all of the sudden kisses him, he blushes even more. He leans into the kiss however, and wraps his arms around Tighnari.

Mildly suggestive ending yippee, anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter!!! I know this took a lil while, but ykw, suck it up

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Mildly suggestive ending yippee, anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter!!! I know this took a lil while, but ykw, suck it up. Also I wrote this on mobile so there. Anyways, hope you enjoyed, and watch out for the next chapter! Kuni out!~

~1024 words

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