01.Normal day

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An alarm clock goes off as Taesan groans and wake up. It was Monday. "What a disgrace of the week to be Monday" he groans, as he gets out of bed and heads to the bathroom. He brushes his teeth, does his skincare routine and changes into his uniform. As he puts his homework and assignments into his backpack he hears "Taesan-ahh!! Breakfast is ready, come eat.." his mom says. He simply replies "I'm coming mom!!", then proceeds to get his backpack and rushes downstairs.

He sat on the dining table and eats a plain toast as he was not feeling hungry nor was he in the mood to eat. After eating the toast, he says " I'm heading out mom, I will see you later" and heads to school.

As soon as he steps out of his house, he sees his next door neighbor and childhood friend Leehan, leaving for school. "Leehannnn wait up!!" He yells as he hurriedly rushes to Leehan.

"Heyyy Tae, you got under eye bags, did you have proper sleep last night?" Leehan asks in curiosity.

"Ohh uh, I actually slept for 4 hours. I was up doing assignments at the last second" Taesan replies with a pouting face.

"Really?? Well you should have done it earlier tho, but nonetheless you've finished right? And try to get proper sleep too, no one else can take better care of you other than yourself" Leehan smiles at Taesan.

Taesan would often find it exciting and comforting talking to Leehan. His heart would always flutter when Leehan smiles or show concerns on him.

Taesan has been in love with Leehan since the first year of high school, and he somehow hopes that Leehan would like him back. He wants to show that he cares and loves Leehan, and would often flirt with him. But Leehan would always end up taking it as a friendly gesture or a joke.

They soon arrive to school and take their morning classes, as the school bell rang indicating that it's lunch time.

Taesan rushes to the canteen as he was feeling very hungry. On the way, he grabbed Leehan by his hand and both made their way to the canteen.

"Why the rush Tae?" Leehan asks with curiosity on his face. Taesan simply replied "Nothing, I felt very hungry. Like I just ate a toast for breakfast." looking into Leehan with puppy eyes. As they grabbed their platters and sat down for lunch, they start to talk about random things going on in their life. And soon they get back to class, after hearing the bell ringing.

During the afternoon class period, Taesan was always staring at Leehan in admiration, and sometimes Leehan would catch him in the act.

"Tae, focus! stop looking at me." 

"No, never. This is history class anyway and it's really boring."

As they were talking, their history teacher yelled "Taesan, Leehan, out of my class, now.". 


"No buts, out of my class now."

"Han, let's leave" Taesan calmly told Leehan, as they grab their bags and left the school.

Taesan and Leehan were walking together in a street surrounded by yellow, red and orange leaves falling down from trees. Taesan checked his cellphone to see that it was just 2:15pm and if he went home early, his mom would ask a plenty of questions why he was home at an early hour, and if he told his mom that he got kicked out of class then she would start lecturing him on the importance of focusing in class. As he has spare money in his pocket, he thought of a brilliant idea. He was thinking of taking Leehan out on a "date". Not really a date but like a friends hanging out date. So he started "Leehan, do you want to get something? I have spare money with me.". Leehan didn't reply and was still mad that Taesan got both of them kicked out of history class. 

"ummmm Leehan? Are you mad at me?"

still no reply.

At that moment, Taesan thought of something, as Leehan was a bit mad he could take a great opportunity to flirt with him. So without hesitation, he held Leehan's face with both of his hands, while looking into his eyes and said "Why aren't you replying, I'm literally here waiting for you to reply and you aren't even bothering. Now tell me, Can I get you something? I have money with me, it's my treat.". Leehan was caught off guard by the gesture and was a lot more red than tomato. He simply replied "u-um...okay can I get an ice cream bar, I need to cool down a bit.". Taesan smiled while looking at Leehan blushing, and replied "Okayyy!! Let's go to the store."

Time skip

Leehan was in his bed laying on his bed, thinking about the events of the day. Suddenly, the image of Taesan holding his face with both hands while talking pops up in his mind and he starts to blush. Normally Taesan wouldn't be that much flirty towards him, it was the first time in their 14 years of friendship that Taesan has been this much flirty. While thinking about the scenario, he gets a notification on his phone.

"Ding! You received a message from Taesan⚽️"


Tae__ [sent at 10:15pm]


Lee.hannn [sent at 10:15pm]

Omg don't call me that

Tae__ [sent at 10:16pm]

Can't I call my best friend of 14 years a cute nickname :<

[Lee.hannn reacted with 🚶‍♂️] 

Lee.hannn [sent at 10:17pm]

Anywayzzzzz we have PE tomorrow right 😭

Gosh, I can't believe we're playing dodge ball tomorrow

Tae__ [sent at 10:17pm]


Imma go to sleep, I need to be fully energized for tomorrow

Gnsd, sleep well Leehannie <3

[Lee.hannn reacted  with ♡]

[A/N] : So yeah this is the first chapter, I will start the love story in this fanfic slowly and naturally :D, lemme know your thoughts on the story so far.. Tysm for reading <333

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