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Hmm..Taesan wants to confess to leehan so bad. He doesn't want to ruin their friendship at the same time. What will he choose? He is tired of one-sided love. He doesn't want to keep his feelings in any longer. He decides to ask his friend Sungho for help.
"Sungho hyung!!!!it's been a long time"
"Omg taeee I've missed you how have you been?"
"Yesss great, and you?"
"Amazing, anyways how are things going?"
"Pretty great hyung, but I want to ask you for help."
"Sure Tae, what is it?"
"Remember the next door neighbor I introduced you to? The boy that had long hair?"
"Ohhh yeah I do, what's up with him?"
"Hyung, I'm in love with him."
"Omg, are you serious? Like i have so many questions, have you confessed yet?"
"I want to but I'm scared it will ruin our friendship and the bond we built over the years."
"Why tho? You should confess while you can. One-sided love is never good."
"Yeah but how do I start off.."
Sungho thinks of an idea and tells Taesan. Taesan was reluctant at first but decided to stick to the plan. It was either go big or go home.

On Monday after school, Taesan went to the nearby convenience store and bought a few cream colored envelopes. He brings them home and decides to write his feelings about Leehan on a paper. Once he finishes, he puts in the envelope he bought and decorates it with the stickers he saved.

He decides to secretly slide it in Leehan's bag during recess the next day. Taesan waited the entire day to come to an end, he was nervous yet excited to get Leehan's reaction at the same time. His mind was like a fish market, filled with so many thoughts. As he could barely focus throughout the day, he didn't even notice that the school bell rang, indicating that school was dismissed. He was so lost in his thoughts, until Leehan called him. "Tae, are you there? School is over. Come, let's go home."
"Ohh okay, sorry about that."
They both walked home, and then all of a sudden, Leehan decided to open his bag to check if his phone was there. He surprisingly spotted a cream colored envelope in his bag, and decides to pull it out.
"Tae, look what's in my bag."
"Ohhhhh an envelope, do you want to read it together?"
"Sure why not."
Leehan opened the envelope and Taesan was the most nervous he had ever been. He saw a piece of paper and decides to unfold it.

Dear Leehan,
I'm giving this letter to you to express my feelings. I have been wanting to tell you for a long time but always feared rejection. The truth is, I felt a strong connection between us when we crossed paths. You are very helpful and kind towards people. That was when I started developing feelings for you. I am telling you this to lighten up my mind.  If this letter annoyed or disturbed you in a certain way, I deeply apologize for it.

"Hmm..I wonder who wrote this to you?"
"Yeah who even managed to slide this in my bag, who is T2?"
"I think I may know who T2 is.."

[A/N] : YESSSS TAESAN IS FINALLY MAKING A MOVE Y'ALL!!! But spoiler alert! Something tragic might happen in the next chapter :( I'm sorry, but as there are good times, there must also be bad times as well. Please look forward to the next chapter!! I will update as soon as possible. Let me know your thoughts on this chapter as well <33333

The boy next door | LEEHAN X TAESAN FFWhere stories live. Discover now