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!!This chapter will be longer than usual, as this is the final chapter

Taesan didn't tell Leehan that he was offered to go abroad and debut as a webtoon artist, as he didn't want Leehan to be worried and heavy headed at all times. Leehan didn't want Taesan to go anywhere without him, as he feared that Taesan would disappear from his life once again. Taesan loves Leehan dearly, and so did Leehan too.

 He decides that he wouldn't go to work the next day, as he was going to meet Heeseung for the job offer. He informed his boss about it, but requested him not to tell anyone from the team about his reasoning to not come to work. 

[Time skip, the next day at the Bean café]

"Oh Han Taesan, Here."

"Hi, it's great to see you again Mr.Lee"

"Great to see you as well."

"I suppose you may have seen my message that I sent you yesterday."


"So from my recent discovery of your webtoon account and ongoing project you are in, I've seen that your art style is not repetitive as it once was, you can draw more variety now."

"Yes, but is it okay for me not to go abroad in order to be a webtoon writer."

"Ahh about that, so it is mandatory to go abroad as they will also give out professional courses beforehand. In addition, salary and income are much more stable there."

"Oh okay I can see that."

"So what do you say?"

"I will think about it, as I have an ongoing project going on."

"It's almost done right? It's been going on for around 3 months."

"Yes but I may need some time to think about it."

"Ohh okay, but do keep in mind that opportunities like this comes once in a blue moon. The choice is up to you."

"Okay, Thanks Mr.Lee once again for offering me with this opportunity."

"Don't mention it, I will see you around Taesan."


Meanwhile, at Magic Toon department

"So guys, finalize everything, we will be doing an official release of our app in the evening."

"Alright Leader-nim"

"Our team looks very empty today"

"Yeah Yuna, someone's missing from our team today."

"Han Taesan isn't here today?"

"wait, Taesan isn't here today???"

"He said that he won't be able to come today due to private reasons."

"Ohh that's why."

"Oh and Leehan?"

"yes sir?"

"I need to talk to you in private."

"Alright sir."

"Yeji, Yuna and Yeonjun you may continue finalizing the game while me and Leehan have a talk."

"Yes sir!"

Soobin and Leehan went to the rooftop via the elevator.

"Sir, what do you want to talk about?"

"Well, I feel guilty for saying this but Taesan told me that he was offered a new job and he requires him to go abroad for it. The reason why he didn't come to work today was he had to go there for the job interview."

The boy next door | LEEHAN X TAESAN FFWhere stories live. Discover now