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Throughout the 7 years, Taesan tries to get a job as an illustrator from some major art companies. However, he was turned down multiple times, due to his "lack" of innovation and repetitiveness of his artwork. He started practicing various art styles afterwards, to prove himself. And one fateful day, he gets a call from a game cooperation.

"Hello sir, I'm Choi Soobin, the CEO of Magic Toon."

"Oh hi sir, I'm Han Taesan."

"By any chance, you draw and post your artworks on web toon right?"

"Yes why?"

"And is your account TaeTae_ ?"


"Ohh I see. One of our team members were browsing through for an illustrator for our upcoming project, and came to discover your account. Would you like to meet up for a job interview tomorrow?"

"Ohh, umm sure!"

"Alright, please come to Magic Toon's headquarters tomorrow at 10:30 am, Mr.Han. I hope to see you there!"

"Thanks for the job offer sir, I'll be there tomorrow"

"Alright, we will be waiting for you then." 

The call ended, and Taesan was pretty much excited that after living off his aunt for 7 years, he was finally getting an actual job. He still has contact with his mom and dad though, they have to permanently stay at the US, as sales and income are much more stable there. But they told Taesan that they will come back to Korea before the end of 2022.

He told his cousin sister Jisoo, that he was getting a job as an illustrator, and she couldn't be much more happier. But then she was gonna have to serve at the restaurant all alone, which made Taesan feel bad at some point. But however, Jisoo asked three of her other friends to help her at the restaurant, so that Taesan can focus on his new job peacefully, without any interruptions.

Time skip[17th of March, 2022, 10:00am]

Taesan took a taxi to the Magic Toon's headquarters. He was a bit confused of what to wear for his job interview. If he wore a suit, it's gonna give serious and cold, which he didn't like. If he wore a casual fit, it was like he was gonna meet up with a friend at a café. Well he resorted to wearing a floral cardigan with denim shorts, white sneakers and a brown leather bag. It doesn't look too awkward for a job interview, so he immediately left after preparing.

He arrives to the Magic Toon's headquarters at 10:20am, and enters the building. He was surprised that it was a small company, but he was willing to work for experience and money of course.  He runs to the elevator and upon entering, he sees a familiar face. He saw someone in long, mullet hair. He was in his headphones, and dressed up in an acubi style, and he was carrying a backpack with him. While thoughts were piling up, the elevator door opens, indicating that he is now at the floor, where was gonna meet up for his job interview. He asked one of the staffs at the room, and they led him to the room where meetings and job interviews are mostly held. As he sat down, he heard footsteps getting louder and louder every step. And eventually, the door opened, to reveal the CEO, Choi Soobin. Taesan, who was already tall, never felt so short and little until he saw Soobin. Taesan stood up from his place and bowed to the CEO.

"Hi sir, you must be Mr.Choi right?"

"Yes, and You are Han Taesan right?"


"Alright then, shall we start this interview?"

Then the conversation was interrupted when suddenly, the same man from the elevator entered the room. Taesan wasn't still sure about who that man was, but he was certain that he've seen the man before.

"Good morning sir."

"Ohh good morning Leehan!"


"Oh this is Han Taesan, he will be the illustrator of our project."

"Nice to meet you Taesan. I'm Kim Leehan, I will be coding for the project."

"Nice to meet you too sir."

"Han Taesan? wow, he didn't change one bit. He's still that teddy bear that I remember from my childhood. He's so handsome and charming now, the glow up is real." Leehan thought in his mind.

"Fuck, it's actually Kim Leehan. I hope he doesn't remember me. Ugh but what if he does?? ah it's fine, just go on with the flow and play it cool." Taesan tells to himself.

*cough cough*

The two men then broke their eye contact, then Soobin starts talking.

"Alright Taesan, would you like to start tomorrow then?"

"Sure sir, absolutely!"


Ooohhhhh looks like someone has finally found the person they were looking for. I hope they actually end up well. Ahh and lemme know about what you guys think about this chapter, byeeee<333

The boy next door | LEEHAN X TAESAN FFWhere stories live. Discover now