07.The future

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After the confession, Taesan couldn't help but feel embarrassed and most of all ashamed of himself for losing his only best friend of 11 years. Taesan left the store room from a backup exit, and he ran to his aunt's restaurant. Since he was moving to his aunt's place, Leehan would have no idea about his whereabouts, as it was kind of far away from his old place. From his school, he took a taxi to his aunt's restaurant.

Leehan on the other hand, was desperately searching for Taesan. He looked for him everywhere, The PE court, their classroom, the cafeteria, and suddenly, he remembered about the store room that Taesan always hides at. He immediately ran to the store room, but there was no sign of Taesan. He saw a digital camera and Taesan's backpack on the store room's floor, he decides to pick the camera up and keep it momentarily. Leehan now hopeless, decides to go to his friends that are waiting for him at the restaurant.

Time skip[6:30pm at BangMyun's Fried chicken]

"He confessed that he likes me and sees me as someone more than a friend."

The rest were shocked, and surprised. Some of them covered their mouths to emphasize their astonishment. To cut the awkwardness, Woonhak added

"You're so dumb Hyung, we all have been watching him for a long time. We know that he has feelings for you."

"Yeah, cuz he's so clingy and attached to you Leehan."

"Continue, what happened after that?"

"He kissed me on the lips but I backed off."

"What why?!!!??"

"And he ran away from the rooftop, I couldn't find him anywhere."

"But aren't you two like very close next door neighbors?"

"Yeah, I'm gonna search for him the neighborhood."

"Alright hyung, I hope you guys can make up to it."

"Thanks hyung."

They stopped the conversation and started eating. Jaehyun ordered Soju and the all of them got drunk for the night. They all went back home separately. Leehan, who was still half conscious, took a walk to his house, as it was not too far away. On the way there he sees Taesan's house, but his vision was too blurry. He wanted to go inside, but the doors were all locked. He lost hope, and went back to his home.

"I'm back mom.."

"Hey honey, what's with that face?"

"Nothing, me and my friends ate fried chicken and drank."

"Ohh dear, you should take a rest, you might get a severe headache tomorrow."

"Sure mom, but I wanna ask you something."

"Yeah honey? what is it?"

"Does Taesan still live next door?"

"Ohh, this afternoon, I saw a van at his house and he was putting his bags in there..Why honey?"

"Mom, I want to tell you something, please don't freak out okay?"

"Sure honey, go on, what is it?"

"Taesan said he likes me, and he sees me as someone more than a best friend."

"That's no surprise at all, I can tell judging by his actions and behavior towards you."

"But after that, he ran away from me, I haven't seen him since."

"Ohh dear, I'm sure he'll be fine okay? And it's fine if you're also into guys. No matter what, you are my son. I support you."

"Thanks mom, I'm gonna sleep. Goodnight.."

"Sweet dreams honey~~"

Meanwhile, Taesan was at his aunt's restaurant. And his cousin, Jisoo greeted Taesan with open arms. It's been so long that they haven't seen each other. Despite the age gap, the two get along quite well. Taesan and Jisoo helps serving food at his aunt's restaurant. During day offs, Taesan draws on his iPad, and would post it on Webtoon. He was creating a Webtoon story, based on him and Leehan. Till now, it was clear that he still had feelings for Leehan, but his mind was thinking otherwise.

Time passes, days turn into weeks. Weeks turn into months. And months eventually turn into years. It's now March of 2022. It has been 7 years, since Taesan and Leehan last saw each other. Leehan tries to reach out to Taesan, but figures out that Taesan had deactivated all his social media accounts. And eventually, Leehan lost hope and decides to move on with his life.


Things aren't looking that pretty for now, but dw!! they will get their happy ending, I promise. I'll try to update as much as possible. Let me know what you think about this chapter, thanks to every single person reading this book<3333

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