05.Who is T2?

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"I think I might know who T2 is.."
Well Leehan stood there in shock, it was the first love letter he received in the 17 years of his life, and most important of all, someone is secretly in love with him?
"Tae, who is T2?"
"I don't know as well" Taesan said with a laugh on his face.
"I thought you were being serious" he pouts at Taesan.
They both went back to their homes.
Leehan was distracted all night. His mind was piling up with many thoughts. Why does someone like him? Why him out of all people? Especially his question was, who is his secret admirer? Thoughts started piling up in his mind and he could barely sleep the entire night. He picked his phone and decided to call his other best friend "Jaehyun". He decided to give Jaehyun a phone call.
"Jaehyun hyung"
"Leehan-ahhhh how have you been?"
"Pretty good, I want to ask for your help."
"I'm also doing great, oooh did something happen?"
"You are not going to believe this. Today, I got a love letter. I read it together with Taesan. And we both found out that I have a secret admirer."
"I- No fucking way shut up-"
"No I'm being for real like who would like someone like me?"
"There would be a lot cuz you be fine as fuck. Well anyways did they give you the letter in person or through someone or something?"
"Nah, I think they slid it through my bag when I wasn't in class."
"Ohh okay, did they give you any idea who they might be?"
"They did sign off their name as T2 in the letter."
"T2? I think it could be someone whose initials are T?"
"It could be tho, it could possibly their nickname as well?"
"Wait, Do you have any people you know that has the initial T?"
"Taesan is the only person I know with the initial T."
"I think it's him. Cuz just look at the way he flirts and plays around with you. If i were some stranger, I would assume that you two are dating."
"No it can't be Taesan. Why would he like someone like me?"
" Hmm you can put him to the test, like asking if he is in love with someone, their gender, blah blah. Oh and try to hang out with other people too, if he seems jealous or irritated then it's probably Taesan."
"That's actually a great idea."
"Yeah, and I know you like Taesan too, don't ask me how."
"No hyung I'm not, I am not in love with Tae."
"Hmm are you sure? Because you seem so unbothered by his flirting.."
"Positive. Anyways it's getting late. I will hang up the call."
"Okay, tell me how the process went tomorrow okay?"
"Don't worry hyung, I will."
And just like that, Leehan hangs up the call and tries to figure out who T2 was the entire night.

[A/N] : Sooooooooo nothing happened so far. Now we are left with questions, what will happen when Leehan finds out that T2 is Taesan? Will he reject him and end their friendship? What will happen to Taesan? Who knows? I will update you guys as much as I can. Thanks to each and every one of you reading my fanfic, I appreciate it sm<3 As usual, lemme know what you think of this chapter kthxbai.

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