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"Of-of course Leehan, I will be your boyfriend."

"Okay then, tomorrow at 1pm."

"For what?"

"Let's go on a date."

"okay Leehannieeeee"

"Haven't heard you say that in 7 years Tae."

"ahahaha I guess I'll see you tomorrow."

"Okay, sleep well Tae and I love you."

"I love you too, byeeee" 

Taesan hung up the phone and he was the happiest he has been in such a long time. Especially that his childhood sweetheart and him are now officially dating. He slept without any worries, as tomorrow was the start of the weekend and he doesn't have anything else to do.

[Time skip, The next day]

Taesan wakes up feeling refreshed stretching, indicating that he slept well. He does his skincare routine, brushes his teeth and goes downstairs to get some breakfast. The moment he arrived downstairs,

"Tae, did you sleep well last night?"

"Yeah I did."

"That's good, and there is someone that wants to meet you."


"Your boyfriend."


"Stop Tae, I know. I'm your cousin sister, I overheard you and Leehan's conversation last night. You guys met again at work?? DAMNNN"

"Alright I did, I promise I will explain everything to you later, Can you please bring Leehan in?"


"Noona..can you not say that out loud?"

"Hey teddy bearrrrrrrr, did you get a good sleep?"

"yeah I did..why are you here now?"

"Cuz I wanted to eat breakfast together with my boyfriend?"

"You guys have fun, I wouldn't be caught dead third wheeling."

"HAHAHA okay noona see you!"

The morning went by normally, they ate breakfast, talked about random things, and eventually the time for their date arrived. Well, Taesan wanted to wear the same clothes he wore when he first came for the job interview and ended up wearing the exact outfit for the date. 

"Where's you wanna go Teddy bear?"

"I don't know...let's go to a park near by.."

"Why tho?"

"Cuz I want to have some peace and quiet Leehannieeee"

"Okayyyyy let's gooooo"

Once they arrive to the park, they walked together, Leehan even taking pictures of Taesan with the old digital camera from their graduation. They bought some drinks to refresh after their date and eventually, Taesan and Leehan went to Leehan's place together.

[Time skip, at night]

"So Tae."


"Why did you even like me in the first place? Who would want to date someone like me?"

"I would. You are caring, sweet and most importantly you're pretty as fuckkk"

"Ahaha..not really I'm no-"


"hu alright"

"And also you. How did you realize that you love me?"

"So ever since you ran from the rooftop and we never see each other again, and well me and the rest happened to go to a restaurant and we all got drunk. I told them that you confessed and they weren't surprised at all, they supported me. Well and I happened to tell my mom the same night that you love me and she was shocked, but also didn't get mad or upset. She just told me that no matter what, I'm still her son. And well after the day you were gone, I went searching for you everywhere. I looked for you everywhere in Daegu, but no signs of you. My friends went studying abroad too, so I also asked them to look for you too, but eventually couldn't find you. At one point, I slowly started realizing how paranoid I was getting after your disappearance. My life looked so dull and boring throughout the 7 years you were gone. I've never been that worried for someone, and I've came to the conclusion that I was in love with you but I never saw it, until you were gone."

"Awnn...I made your life difficult throughout the 7 years didn't I?"

"Yeah Tae don't ever leave me all alone ever again!"

"Ahaha okay.. let's sleep now"

"I think you're forgetting something Tae"

"What did I forget?"

Leehan was cupping his lip, and Taesan couldn't take a hint. Well instead of wasting more time, he pecked Taesan on the lips and cheeks. 

"You forgot that"

"You should've told that to me, I'm bad at taking clues of gestures!"

"ahahahaha let's go to sleep now."

"Okay Tae, I love you"

"I love you too."

The boy next door | LEEHAN X TAESAN FFWhere stories live. Discover now