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The next morning Taesan woke up to cook breakfast for Leehan. He was heading to the kitchen when suddenly, he hears a woman talking to him.

"Hello, are you Han Taesan?"

"Ohh yes, how do you know my name ma'am?"

"Ahahaha, I'm Leehan's mom."

"Ohhh miss Kim, it's been so long. Nice to meet you again." Taesan bows down as he says that.

"Nice to see you too, Taesan-ah. And why are you up so early?"

"Oh I just want to cook breakfast for Leehan and myself."

"Ohh don't worry, I brought Tteobokki and fishcakes. You two can share it."

"Ahh, Thanks miss Kim for this."

"Please don't mention it. By any chance are you and Leehan dating?"

"Oh um I-"

"Well, I just want to let you know that I support you two dating. When I arrived here I checked up on Leehan's room and I saw both of you cuddling to death."

"Ohh so well yes..me and Leehan are dating"

"You two look good as a couple, I'm happy for you two." Leehan's mom says that with a smile.

"Thanks miss Kim."

"And by the way, are your parents returning to Korea? It's been so long since I last saw them."

"Ohh my mom told me that she will be returning anytime within this week."

"Ahh great to hear Tae. Oh I have to go now, and tell me if Leehan misbehaves. I will teach him a lesson if he does."

"Ohh alright Miss Kim, I will make sure that Leehan is a good boy. Take care miss Kim"

"Alright dear, I'll see you around."

"Okay, and take care too!"

Once Leehan's mom leaves, Taesan heads to the kitchen and takes out two cups,2 bowls and 2 plates. He goes in the living room to take the bags of food that Leehan's mom gave to the both of them. Since it was 6:30 already, Leehan would be waking up anytime sooner, so Taesan microwaves the food and puts it on the coffee table along with the bowl and the plates. He heads back to the kitchen and pours water into both the cups and brings them back into the living room.

"Oh Tae, why are you up so early?"

"Well long story. I woke up to cook breakfast for both of us and I saw your mom sitting in the living room and she brought food for both of us. Well, she kind of figured that we are dating but she says that she's fine with it."

"Ah fuck I didn't know my mom was here. But well I'm happy that she approves you."

"Ahaha, oh and she brought Tteokbokki and fishcakes for us. I already microwaved them. Let's eat before it gets cold!!"

They ate breakfast and prepares to go to work. At work they had nothing else to do other than adding and finalizing the details for their game. Well the entire day they just sat and discussed about the game. In the evening, Leehan went to get some drinks for him and Taesan since Leehan wanted to hang out at the rooftop. Well he came back to see Taesan talking with Yeji and Yuna and seems to be having a lot of fun. Leehan gets jealous by the interaction and decides to ignore him for 5 minutes. They go to the rooftop by the elevator and Taesan notices how annoyed Leehan looks. Well they sit on a bench at the rooftop until Taesan says..

"Yah what's wrong with you, you look so annoyed. Did I do anything wrong?"

"Yeah, why were you looking so lovey dovey while interacting with Yeji and Yuna?"

"Well I just keep that personality when interacting with peopl-"

"And don't wear these cute clothes to work, they are for me and me only"

"Leehan, are you jealous?"

"I am!! Can't you see?"

"ahaha okay, I'm sorry Leehannieeeee."

"I only accept apology in hugs and kisses"

"But we're at work"

"I don't care."

"Well Leehan you know that we're still at work right? so let's not be childish about this an-"

"Too late. I'm already hugging you"

"Yahhh we're at work!! Anyone could see us"

"Three minutes"

"No it's too long"

"One minute, just one minute"

"Look someone's coming over"

"I'm not falling for that"

"Look I got a text message"

"No you're joking"

"See, look I'm not kidding"

"Alright you can go"

Taesan goes to the garden on the rooftop and sees that the message is from "Lee Heeseung", the person who was the CEO of illusionist webtoon arts. Taesan applied there before but he was rejected since they were looking for someone with a more diverse art style. After seeing more of his recent arts, Heeseung had second thoughts and decided to offer Taesan a chance to debut as  a webtoon artist, but on one condition. You have to go abroad for it.


1 more chapter left eeee, thanks for 400 reads too, I really appreciate it. BND's comeback was lit, their new sound and concept direction is very great too. Thanks for stopping by!

The boy next door | LEEHAN X TAESAN FFWhere stories live. Discover now