09.Things take a turn

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Th next day, Taesan arrives at the building for his new job. When he arrives, there was a girl in dark hair with purple highlights. Her sharp cat eyes makes her look like she was mad if she was putting an expressionless face. So Taesan got a bit startled by her. 

"Oh hi, may I know your name?"

"I'm Han Taesan, the illustrator for the new project of Magic Toon."

"Ohhh you're the new member I see.I'm Hwang Yeji, you can call me Yeji. And I give out suggestions for the project, do you want me to tour the office?"

"Ohh sure Yeji."

Yeji showed Taesan around their department and explained him briefly, as their working hours were about to start. He thanked Yeji for showing around, and decides to check around for himself. He sees an office desk, merely decorated with plants and a few Sanrio figurines. As a plant lover himself, he decides to pick up a pot that's planted with a tulip flower. He stares at it for a bit until he hears a person speaking behind him.

"Umm that's my desk."

Taesan turns around to see Leehan behind him. His soul almost left his body. Leehan works here? Why didn't he do a research of magic toon before immediately accepting the job offer as an illustrator. Instant regrets hit Taesan, as he goes to his desk and starts sketching.

[Time skip, Lunch time]

Taesan went to a restaurant near the company. The restaurant was offering bibimbap, Taesan's favorite, as a Monday's special. He orders the dish, and patiently waits for it to be served. He was scrolling through instagram, and he suddenly hears the restaurant door opening, to see Leehan walking in. 

"Hi sir, how may I help you?"

"Oh it's fine, I'm just visiting a friend."

"Does he still remember me? Bro is now more confident than ever" Taesan said to himself.

So back after the confession, Taesan started losing confidence, and was more quiet than ever. Additionally, he also cut off communications with all his classmates so that none of them will know about his whereabouts. He was once the football team captain, he was very popular, confident and talkative. But ever since he left all his friends behind, he had no one to talk to, other than his aunt and cousin sister, Jisoo. He started being quiet and wanted to rebuild his whole life. He tried everything to forget Leehan, but failed eventually, as fate brought them together once again.

Leehan actually liked Taesan, not just as a friend. When Taesan confessed, Leehan didn't realized that he loved Taesan, until eventually he disappeared completely from his life. Never to be seen, until a few years back. He put all his efforts to find Taesan, he went all across Daegu(The place where him and Taesan both grew up in). His friends were studying abroad, and they decided to help search Taesan too but they couldn't reach out to him. However, Leehan downloaded web toon and finds an account with a familiar username. Upon browsing further into the account, judging based on the art style and characters, he figures that its Taesan. The account's bio also contains the user's phone number and email address for business, and Leehan was certain. But however, he doesn't want to make Taesan's life more difficult or trouble him by appearing into his life again, so he decides to give Taesan anonymous support through out his web toon "career". Taesan doesn't know that all the comments and support he was receiving was from none other than Leehan. Leehan was very much in love with Taesan, and wanted to ask him to be his boyfriend. But since they just met after 7 years, it would be awkward to ask straight off the bat. So, he decides to wait for a bit.

Now back to the present.

"Taesan's looking cuter than ever, but I'll still have to play as I don't know him, since he's doing the same to me as well." Leehan told himself.

"What do you want?"

"Nothing, I just came to check on you Tae."

"Please don't call me that, and why do you even care."

"It's because I like you Tae."

"I don't trust you."

"There's rice stuck near the corner of your lips." Leehan says it, as he reaches to get rid of it. Taesan's heart was beating like crazy, but he remained calm in character. 

"I'll pay for it"

"no, I can pay for it, I'm not broke."

"Offer rejected, I already paid Tae."

"Ugh fine"

"I'll catch up with you later."


Leehan left the restaurant, leaving Taesan all alone once again.


Alright, Leehan is no longer that shy boy we once knew. He is more confident than ever EHEHEHE. Anyways, this is by far going very great. I will try to update as much as I can. And thanks for over 140 reads!! I didn't expect my fanfic to reach this much. Let me know what you think of this episode, kthxbai.

The boy next door | LEEHAN X TAESAN FFWhere stories live. Discover now